COVID-19, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia me Molise I’m in balance and the grip demands itHigher Institute of Health to the health authorities. The ISS, in fact, invites the health authorities to “evaluate the possible adoption of new mitigation measures” for the three regions. According to the data contained in the follow-up, the three regions are classified with a moderate risk but with a high probability of progressing to high risk next month. Currently, Friuli Venezia Giulia is in orange zone while Molise and Veneto in yellow zone.
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, November 20: 37,242 new cases and 699 deaths. Positive damping ratio increases to 15.6%
Covid, “trivalent measles, mumps and rubella vaccine protects against virus”. Here is the antibody study
Covid Lazio, today’s bulletin November 20: 2,667 positives (1,470 in Rome), 41 dead
Problem: “The epidemic remains at critical levels”
Despite some improvements, «which suggests a positive effect of the mitigation effects brought by the governmentItaly is still at critical levels, with a different risk for most regions, both because of the incidence, which remains high, and because the levels of hospitalization and intensive care are very busy. Made it clear Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Higher Institute of Health, during the press conference on the analysis of data from the regional monitoring of the Covid-19 control room. L ‘Rt index, falling «remains above one, which means that the diffusion increases, while the target is an Rt below one. For this – he reiterated – it is suggested that the measures be maintained ».
Abruzzo red zone, the ordinance is coming
The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, as ANSA learned, should sign the order tonight to ratify the passage of the Region. Abruzzo a Red zone. The region has already introduced more restrictive measures. There are no more ordinances related to other Regions at the moment.
Covid, Iss: “In Italy, Rt index falls to 1.18 High-risk hospitalizations in 17 regions”
Covid, in an Italy divided into a red zone, orange zone and yellow zone with different levels of confinement, one should not lower one’s guard at all: almost all regions are still classified as being at high risk of an uncontrolled and unmanageable epidemic in the territory or risk moderate with high probability of progressing to high risk in the next few weeks.
Last updated: 18:49