Milan, November 20, 2020 – They grow back infections and hospitalizations in Lombardy. Sui 37,242 cases of coronavirus identified in Italy In the last 24 hours, 9,221 are related to Lombardy, which processed 42,248 swabs in 24 hours. Nationwide, 699 deaths in one day, more than yesterday. In the most affected region 175 of the victims in the last 24 (ten more than yesterday), for a total of 20,190 since the start of the pandemic. Regarding me hospitalizations, 15 increase in intensive therapy, which reached 930 patients. After yesterday’s figure with the minus sign, hospitalizations in the rest of the services have grown again, although in a limited way: there are 13 new patients, a total of 8,304. As the virologist explains Fabrizio Pregliasco, “there is no longer an exponential growth in Covid-19 cases. “Again the number of deaths is high and dramatic: now above the threshold of 20 thousand deaths since the start of the pandemic. Only the death toll – explained the professor of Statistics Giovanni corrao – however, it will be the last to fall.
Covid Italia Newsletter Friday 20 November
The national RT is 1.18. The positives currently in Italy are 777,176 – with an increase of 15,505 units since yesterday – of these, 739,471 are in home isolation, 33,957 are hospitalized with symptoms and 3,748 are in intensive care (+36 compared to yesterday). In the last 24 hours, 238,077 swabs were made. Lombardy remains the most positive region with 9,221 cases, followed by Campania with 4,226 and Piedmont 3,861. Today there are no regions with less than 100 cases.
Covid Lombardy Region Newsletter November 20
Here we will publish the regional newsletter data with the infections province by province
Lombardy Red Zone until December 3
The Lombardy stay Red zone. No acceleration towards a relaxation of measures in the most affected region. As established by order of Minister Speranza, land measurements relating to six Regions: Lombardy, Calabria, Piedmont, Puglia, Sicily, Aosta Valley. The new ordinance is valid until December 3, 2020, but it is not ruled out that there may be some changes, such as the change of the parameters for the allocation of the zones provided by Dpcm currently in force (entered into operation on November 3).
Calls to the 112 drop
That something is changing and that the sacrifices of the last few weeks are beginning to pay off is also evident from the 112 numbers. As explained by Areu (Regional Emergency Emergency Agency) in recent days in Lombardy one has stood out Slight, but steady reduction in the number of requests for help for respiratory / infectious problems. Starting tomorrow Saturday, November 21, two Cpca will be active, the mobile structures activated with the aim of reducing the influx of patients in the Green Code in the emergency rooms of hospitals in the provinces of Milan, Monza Brianza, Varese, Like, compared to the current Three. The two CPCAs that remain open are those of Bresso in via Clerici and that of Busto Arsizio in the Malpensa Fiere facilities, operational as of today. The medical and health activities were carried out outside the hospitals, aboard the rescue ambulances, and did not involve the use of additional resources to the organization set up by Areu for the Covid emergency. In the period from November 7 to 18, 797 patients were visited and evaluated. Of these 314 (39%) were sent home. On the other hand, 63 (8%) patients were transferred to hospitals in the provinces of Milan, Monza, Varese and Como and 420 (53%) were transferred to hospitals in other provinces.
The most affected macro area
- Regarding the distribution of infections, the macrozone between Milan, Monza and Brianza, Varese and Como the most affected territory is confirmed. Although there is a geography of the emergency more well defined yesterday by the meeting between the Region and the mayors, the clear will to move forward together emerged: “We will continue the battle unitary “undone”requests for territorial differentiation. Also based on examinations of the data that confirm how the epidemic in the region is currently taking a unitary behavior, that is, the data of the individual provinces are superimposable “.
The pressure on Brianza is relieved
In the Asst Monza hospitals, one of the epicenters of the second wave of Coronavirus, hospitalizations fell for the third consecutive day. There are a total of 426 hospitalized, of which 326 in San Gerardo di Monza, of which 38 in intensive care; 100 in the Desio hospital of which 13 in intensive care. While the mortality rate compared to patients treated in phase 1 was around 20%, it is now less than 10%. The decrease in hospitalizations is due to the significant increase in transfers of hospitalized patients to less saturated hospitals, which occurred in the last three days thanks to the regional coordination center that Areu now coordinates. Since the beginning of phase 2, approximately 7,200 swabs have been performed on employees (compared to 4,000 in phase 1) with a percentage of positive employees of 8% significantly less than the extent of infection in the province (24%).
“To avoid the third wave, we need a maintenance strategy”
However, there is not only the problem of managing the contingent health emergency (and the related economic crisis): the ability to cope with post-second wave. “We are worried about the next holidays, but now we have a duty to analyze what will happen at Easter if this second wave is not adequately repressed,” he said. Massimo Galli, Director of Infectious Diseases at Luigi Sacco Hospital from Milan. For Galli, the crux is linked not only to the need to stop the emergency but also to the ability to manage the next phase: “Otherwise, it is like doing very concentrated diets and then you get angry if you gain a kilo a week later. Or you can find a maintenance, at least until the vaccine arrives, or the third wave is obvious“.
To know more
Red and orange zone: Lombardy, Sicily and Puglia do not change. Regions at risk
Crisanti: “Covid vaccine? I wouldn’t do it.” It’s storm
Covid, more than 2 thousand bags of hyperimmune plasma collected in Lombardy
Influenza, Galli: “Dangerous delays in vaccination in Lombardy”
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