Minister Speranza signed order confirming the current red areas


On Friday, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, signed a new ordinance with which Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta are confirmed as “red zones”, those with the highest risk of contagion and in which the most measures are foreseen. restrictive, and Apulia and Sicily “orange zones”. The new ordinance is effective immediately, it will be in effect until December 3 and it was necessary because today the November 5 ordinance that established the red and orange areas expired.

To date, Tuscany, Campania and South Tyrol are also part of the red zone, as well as Abruzzo, which has independently decided to reinforce prevention measures. On the other hand, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Umbria and Basilicata are also classified as “orange areas”.

– Read also: Frequently Asked Questions about Orange Area Regions

“The data that we are beginning to receive – said Speranza during the webinar“ The European Union in the challenge of Covid-19 ”- hints at the light at the end of the tunnel, but we must take a prudent approach. We have institutional agencies, both at the European and national level, which must follow the validation procedures for vaccines and treatments with the utmost caution, but the data we see gives us hope. We could be in condition in the first months of 2021 to have the first doses. The distribution will see first the beneficiaries the health personnel and then the people in the hospital and Rsa ».
