Then the governor: “If we love each other, it is evident that we will have to spend the holidays with great care. To err is human, to persevere is diabolical.”
“The issue is not the rules, but the virus. We made mistakes this summer, deceiving many people. Nothing was true, the virus exists. If we love ourselves, it is clear that we will have to spend a Christmas where the” Attention it must be high, “Nicola Zingaretti, president of the Lazio Region, told Sky TG24. (ALL UPDATES – THE SITUATION IN LAZIO – THE SITUATION IN ROME – INFECTION MAPS AND GRAPHS)
“We will have to be careful”
Then Zingaretti continued: “If today we are paying a price it is also because so much nonsense was said in the summer, perhaps deceiving too many people. The idea of going back to dating as if nothing had happened should be discarded, until there is a vaccine. . or a cure. “The virus will be there, we will have to be careful if we love our loved ones. To err is human, to preserve is diabolical. We must not deceive ourselves, even if the curve is going down. In a good climate between the government and the regions it has been decided, barely yesterday, to see what will happen on December 3. The issue of living again as if nothing had happened. The virus will continue to be present. Returning to life means respecting the rules, not the other way around. ” The first thought, when it comes to the pandemic, “goes to the dead, to the sick, to those who care for them. We must collaborate. The options will be more shared and credible. This can be a way to spend a peaceful and safe Christmas. behaviors without being afraid of what will happen on December 28 or January 4 with perhaps a curve that goes up. Behind those numbers, let us always remember, there are human beings. Let us follow a way out together “.
“Understand what vaccine will be”
On the vaccine, Zingaretti added: “We need to understand what type of vaccine there will be. We will have to start with the most fragile subjects, the elderly. Then, the most exposed people, health workers. We talk about millions of people to be vaccinated, we talk months still long. This doesn’t have to mean being afraid and blocking everything. “
“Me mayor? Just gossip”
Finally, on the rumors that they want him as a candidate for mayor of Rome, Zingaretti concluded: “It’s talking. That there are polls is the discovery of hot water, the Democratic Party has been polling all the cities that go to vote for months.” . If there was a poll that also concerns the president of the region, it is scientific, but not political, because there is no such political option. Let’s reduce the space for gossip. ” In general, “there is no hypothesis of majority change, no hypothesis of change of government, of involvement in the government of Forza Italia. The first to not want it are those of Forza Italia. The question is another: in the face of what is happening, we must eliminate or limit confrontations, divisions and controversies and rediscover the unity of the country at least in the fundamental options, in health and economic exchange ”. Then: “As a party, we have urged Minister Patuanelli to say a word of truth, because it is not a rule directed at a company but at a condition of our market. Minister Patuanelli clarified and I thank him. An accusation against the Pd of a downward trade in the relationship with Forza Italia. It’s false, it’s not true. “