Not only requests for resignation from center right, the M5s also condemned the statements of the president of the Antimafia commission Nicola Morra about the president of Calabria Jole santelli, who died on October 15. And, after taking the Movement with an official note, the 5-star senator decided to apologize: “I apologize to people who have been offended or hurt from words that have been deliberately cut and sewn so that people understand what the undersigned never thought, “he told the Ansa agency. “For my part there have always been the greatest respect for those who experience the disease condition“.
Later, in a note, Morra specified: “I say that Go Italy has a problem with your DNA, this problem is called Marcello Dell’Utri“And in particular, he added:”Go Italy, as well as other party groups, has an impressive number of convicted, sent to trial, convicted with a final sentence for crimes related to the world of 416bis which is a criminal association in the mafia style ”. Morra justified himself saying that “he simply recalled, in an interview that had as a specific topic the question ‘arrests of Domenico Tallini“How the electorate must be fully responsible for the decisions they make and for this to happen they need to be informed of everything.” Then he reiterated the apology: “I also apologize to the people, who have felt betrayed, beaten, by words that have been deliberately taken a little here, a little there, united, doing a dirty job of mending, for making people understand what the undersigned has never thought. Also because: the undersigned fights for universal and free public health that intervenes especially in favor of the weakest. I say this not from today but always, and the one who is weakest is the sick. ” Consequently, Morra said, “Let it be clear, I reject any accusation of insensitivity. I regret that a political party wants to exploit when, on the contrary we should fight scams to the detriment of health, and for example the health of Calabrians and that is why yesterday Domenico Tallini was arrested, which are the real causes that prevent many patients from being treated ”.
Declaration of Morra – A statement from senator M5s that yesterday, interviewed by Radio Capital and speaking of the arrest of the regional council president, he said: “Tallini was the most voted in the Catanzaro college, if not the most voted in Calabria. It is proof that each town has the political class it deserves. Mine is a reproach, I will be politically incorrect, everyone knew that the President of Calabria Santelli was seriously ill with cancer. Humanly I have always respected the late Jole Santelli, politically there was an abyss. But if the Calabrians liked this, it is democracy, everyone should be responsible for their choices: you are wrong, no one has to help you, because you are great and great. Calabria is unrecoverable it is as long as the State does not face the situation with full conscience ”.
Removing the M5s – The leader of the M5 group in the Chamber intervened among the first of the Movement to ask Morra to withdraw. Davide crippa: “The president of the Antimafia commission should apologize for what he said,” he told La7. “What has been said is unacceptable. I know him and I think the ones he spoke yesterday are words far removed from his way of thinking. It is a mistake to combine political logic with issues as delicate as those of oncological diseases ”. But not only that, shortly after the 5 Star Movement published an official note: “Senator Nicola Morra’s statements about President Santelli, the citizens of Calabria and cancer patients do not reflect the thinking of the M5S, which moves away from him. Citizens called to vote and express their preference do so based on their free and unquestionable opinion. And it is precisely by virtue of this freedom that the center-right parties must apologize to the Calabrian citizens for having nominated and elected people like Tallini, currently detained.
The center-right insists: “Renunciation” – For the center-right, apologies are not enough and the president of the anti-mafia commission should resign. “Morra is unworthy of his role,” said the Carroccio leader. Matteo salvini, “He uses the Anti-Mafia Commission to attack political rivals and now he confirms himself as a little man with disgusting words about Jole Santelli, who was also Vice Chairman of the Anti-Mafia Commission. Morra rinses her mouth when talking about cancer patients and quits. The League officially mistrusts him. #morradimettiti“.
Senator Morra’s words are not only not an apology, but they are another wound against the memory of Jole Santelli, cancer patients and Calabrians. Instead of sprinkling his head with ashes without buts, the unworthy president of the anti-mafia exacerbates his situation. Even his party comrades, including prominent exponents such as the group’s leader in the House, stigmatized the unspeakable words he spoke. After this ridiculous and false setback, the unworthy Morra has to go. He, who rants about the party’s DNA, lacks a fundamental gene: knowing how to feel ashamed. “Thus in a note Giorgio Mulè, deputy of Forza Italia and spokesman for the blue groups of the Chamber and the Senate.
The Sen. Luigi Vitali, Forza Italia leader in the Anti-Mafia Commission, formally communicated this morning to President Nicola Morra that all meetings of the Anti-Mafia Commission and its Committees will be abandoned by the FI group until public and formal apologies are received for the incomprehensible statements made. . about Calabria and the late colleague Jole Santelli. This is what we read in a note released by Senator Vitali’s press office.