
Since the beginning of the second wave ofepidemic, since Italy began to change color, red orange yellow, walls have been erected between the bride and groom, joint and friends who live in different regions or municipalities. the COVID-19-19 in fact does not recognize the citizenship of their loved ones. And the government, to limit infections and the ultimate collapse of hospitals and intensive care, has imposed bans. And therefore unfortunately it will also be a Christmas, based on what is filtered among the experts that for the executive follow the dossier of restrictive measures with which to try to stop the epidemic.
Christmas, new dpcm: all the rules, from dinner (forbidden), to family, travel and shopping in “bands”
The topic is not trivial and it is not a topic for Peynet lovers, there is a lot of discussion on the web and on Twitter there is even the hashtag #congiuntifuoricomune. In fact, the new anti-Covid rules have restricted or completely denied the possibility of communicating with the boyfriend / girlfriend who resides in a different municipality. Currently this is only possible for those who reside in the Yellow Regions: Lazio, Sardinia, Veneto, Molise, Province of Trento. In these areas there is no prohibition to cross the municipal or even regional limits. The problem, however, is that the rest of Italy is all orange or red (27 million Italians are in red).
Covid, Rt index below 1, but Lazio does not loosen bans on bars and clubs
Where orange reigns, you cannot leave your municipality except to demonstrate work, study, health or objective needs. Where there’s red, you can’t even leave the house. And these rules, in the government’s view, will remain in effect even around Christmas. In fact, the fear of a third epidemic wave is high, given that the vaccine will be distributed to a large part of the population only from the second half of next year (from January it will start with health personnel and categories ” fragile “).
Covid, yes to restaurants, a maximum of six at the table, in protected hourly stores for over 65s
But now the epidemic is slowing down, infections are approaching the “plateau”, at the peak, and experts are confident that in a couple of weeks the aggressiveness of the virus will be less. This will lead (as has already happened in Lazio) to a reduction ofRT index (indicates how many people a positive infects) below quota 1. And this will allow a relaxation of the measures. Better: a reduction in hardening, bringing currently red Regions to orange and oranges to yellow. This means that presumably after December 3 the walls between municipalities and regions will be torn down in Umbria, Marche, Puglia, Basilicata, Emilia Romagna, Friuli, Liguria, Sicily, Trentino (currently orange). Although it is more difficult for Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria to go from red to yellow. How unlikely this will happen in Campania, which has recently turned red, and in Abruzzo, which has just climbed the last rung of restrictions. In any case, the RT index will determine the fate of the boyfriends and friends.
Last updated: 13:02