Today it will be understood whether the request of the Region to transform only the provinces of Bat and Foggia into red areas will be confirmed by the government based on the data collected by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health. Meanwhile, the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia specifies: “The president is good Michele Emiliano to request restrictions. If you ask for it for two provinces – the minister points out to Raiuno – if the conditions are right, it makes sense to ask for it for the entire region in the first phase. But let’s wait for the data. “
While waiting to know whether Foggia and Bat will end up in the red zone, the number of infections continues to rise (even as the percentage of positive cases compared to swabs performed drops to 13.4 percent) and hospitalizations. The number of beds occupied in the pulmonology and infectious diseases wards is 1,324, while in intensive care the round figure of 200 hospitalized is reached.
Confirming the seriousness of the situation in Apulia, there is data from Agenas that register 45 percent of the intensive care places occupied by Covid patients, above the national average of 43 percent and above the threshold of 30 percent indicated by the ministry. Apulia, therefore, is confirmed in contrast to the rest of the country. This is what the Gimbe Foundation records, which reports a reduction in the percentage of increase in cases throughout Italy with the exception of our region. Additionally, in the week of November 11-17, new coronavirus infections in Puglia increased by 32.7 percent, above the national average of 24.4 percent. And the positive / swab ratio increased to 26.1 percent (Italian average of 28.4 percent). Therefore, one in four tests is positive, it is noted in Gimbe’s weekly report. As of November 17, there are currently 660 positive cases per 100,000 residents.