Thanks Biden, you also beat Brothers of Italy


by Paolo Bagnoli

The recent US presidential elections, of course, have attracted widespread interest; if only because it has finally been explained to most people the mechanism for electing the president. Many of us breathe a sigh of relief at the victory of Joe biden. At this juncture we understood how much we believed to be the most solid democracy in the world, instead, fragile and how is a character enough Donald trump throw it into a great crisis; a crisis that, because of the role played by the United States, even with all its grave defects, would have devastating repercussions for the entire Western world.

Trump created a deep fracture not only in the social and cultural fabric of one’s country, but how he defines himself as the West; that is, in that part of the world that, beyond all the possible differences between the different realities that comprise it, feels bound by a historical thread that links it to the values ​​of freedom and of democracy. Principles will be said, but principles are fundamental in politics; both domestically and internationally.

So, while we followed the trend of the state-by-state vote of the Union, discovering the mechanisms, differences and political preferences of the alignments, there was little interest in asking ourselves because, despite everything, Trump has garnered so many votes demonstrating how Trumpism has changed the country. To put it with a definition that Luigi pirandello this day Benito Mussolini, Trump is “an actor who plays his own character.” He did it and is doing it to the end; His arrogance, his political machismo, his vulgar and selfish nationalism have generated a sovereign idea that goes beyond the borders of the United States. It has also found followers in Europe, including Italy, which has not lost the habit of drawing slogans from abroad, imitating attitudes that are then put back into our sauce, motivating its policies in distant logics, they simply appear winners. He would have said Ennio Flaiano: “Come to the aid of the winner.”

They have been inspired by Trumpism Matteo salvini me Giorgia Meloni; at Biden, our Democrats were renewed. Walter VeltroniOf course, he did not miss the opportunity, declaring: “From Biden a model of the left: courageous reformism.” Forget whether Biden is a leftist or not; in our opinion it is not. Biden looks like the expression of a civilian centrist moderatism that, perhaps, right now is just what the United States needs. We will see if it manages to heal a divided country that we have seen in the streets and squares, full of armed militias, manifested as if it were the prelude to a civil war. It is not a new italic phenomenon that fills the elaborative void of what the left should be, going beyond borders.

Communists, ex or post, praised a Tony blair It’s in Bill clintonVery respectable statesmen who, however, had nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the left. Veltroni has renewed the canon, when, who is considered the strong man of the Democratic Party, that is Goffredo Bettini, has thrown the intention of launching an indeterminate “social Christian manifesto”.

Serious reflections on Trumpism have been rare. Is an exception Gianfranco Pasquino (“Il Fatto,” November 10, 2020) which warns against viewing Biden’s victory as the defeat of Trumpism, which, having defeated Trump, remains.

We believe that the phenomenon has well-rooted roots in the social and behavioral transformations that have occurred in recent years. In the fact that we live in the century of solitude; question to which, recently, the English philosopher Noreena Hertz he dedicated an essay to him. Interviewed by The Republic (November 4, 2020) said: “I. populists they have their followers and find consensus among those who have fewer friends and less known ”. These, through an angry arrogance and intolerance of the rules, far from confrontation with anyone and, therefore, immersed in their “Association”, Through social networks they feel in a circuit where they can finally give their opinion. Basically, having nothing to say to each other, they write thus affirming its existence.

Ignorance of democracy, social selfishness, contempt for all that is community are the ingredients that season attitudes and choices that seem to them form of redemption trusting in those who straighten their hair and make their weakness their strength. Trump, so to speak, has awakened this America on the basis of feelings of social hatred and property; instead of bringing that mass to the lands of democracy, he pushed it to Get up, Feel protagonist redeeming a condition of people betrayed by the system. The consequence is a rupture that widens even more the guilt of a coexistence that is already a thing in America Too complex.

In America, moreover, sovereignty has acquired the profile of the disintegration of the Western world; in the old continent that of the opposition, sometimes damaging, to Europe. Let us say that sovereign Italy is something that arouses bitter hilarity; But, even here, the legacy of Trumpism was immediately collected. Meloni made it known: “I share ideas and values ​​with Trump and in recent years I have worked to strengthen ties” (The Republic, November 9, 2020).

We thank Biden, therefore, for having also defeated Brothers from Italy; Returning to our national anthem that the right-wing party wants to remember, it does not seem that Meloni has “awakened”, while the United States has. Those who live, of course, will see unless they wake up with their eyes still asleep.

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