“You are running in circles. There is no one inside »- Corriere.it


Those responsible for Turin 118 informed the prefect and the prosecutor of Turin about the episode of the two deniers on board an SUV that, in recent days, was chasing an ambulance at night. You are running in circles. There is no one inside the ambulance “118 told the health personnel. The deniers, armed with smartphones, wanted to film to test their theory. The doctors had to call the police, who intervened at the scene and identified the pursuers. The episode ended in the intervention form that was deposited on the desk of the 118 Turin director Rita Rossi, who reported the incident to the prefect and the prosecutor, Now the deniers take a risk a complaint for interruption of public service. But it is not the only episode of this type that occurred under the Mole. Law Office 118 also informed postal police of a video posted online claiming that ambulances in Turin are running half empty, with sirens on, through the city.

November 20, 2020 (change November 20, 2020 | 08:39)

