If you have the misfortune to fall into a family with a positive (as in my case), you end up in mandatory quarantine. Or rather, you end up there only thanks to your correctness and honesty because it is up to the individual citizen to declare himself or herself living together or in contact with the positive, given that the positive receives an email to fill out in which they simply indicate these contacts.
So if you want, you can skip and no one will force you to quarantine yourself. A quarantine that lasts more than 14 days! Between swabs, waiting for the result, receiving mail from the ASL with an indication of quarantine obligation that calculates the 14 days from receipt of the result and not from the day the swab was made, my family has already completed 3 weeks and we to expect in theory, a second email giving the green light.
Tomorrow we have been in quarantine and we have not received this email yet. Now, not bad for an employee, but for a freelancer (like my husband) it’s lost work. And that’s a lot of lost work! The ASL toll-free number is not only unresponsive, it doesn’t even allow for waiting due to excessive queues. So it’s like not having it. Over time, it almost really turns into a 40-day quarantine. If one is sick it is more understandable, but if it is well, fortunately in our case, losing 40 days of billing is unsustainable.
A mother of the Bastille
The contagion monitoring system is ineffective and is reflected in a huge waste of public resources.
I swabbed the drive-through in via Pertini 118 di Vignola on October 29, 2020 at 11am and received a formal notice of mandatory home isolation on November 10, 2020 from the ASL.
All symptoms have disappeared for days. I have been closed since October 28. To date, no more information, no contact by appointment for a second buffer, nothing!
The number 0593963663 has never been found, neither free, nor with the possibility of remaining on hold to reach the maximum number of calls on hold. It’s an embarrassing situation!
This failure in tracking leaves the task of isolating themselves and communicating their positivity to risk contacts to individual responsibility, without effective intervention from the institutions. All this has very serious consequences on the health system, on the spread of the pandemic and on the health of citizens. It is not possible to declare that the tracking system has numbers that are no longer sustainable, if the tracking is not done correctly.
The number of people dedicated to ASL contact tracing is “obviously insufficient” and this contributes to the “delay of weeks between finding a positive swab and telephone contact.”
I understand that the ineffectiveness of the identification and tracking system by public ASL leads to an exponential increase in the use of private screening services (swabs and serological blood tests) that fill the lack of accessibility to public services. For the first time in retrospect, I would have used it waiting a more reasonable time than the public health one that takes 9 days to give me the result of the first swab. Unfortunately after the first swab I asked for it, but they wouldn’t let me go for a tampon for a fee. I can only go out by appointment with ASL, which never came.
Funds for emergency management should be divided equally between: the strengthening of healthcare systems (expansion of places in intensive care units and optimization of support measures for public hospitals and health personnel) and prevention systems . It is unacceptable that almost a year has passed since the beginning of the epidemic and the state of emergency imposed by the first pandemic peak, there is no accessible and rapid public system for the reserve of screening tests for the population.
Furthermore, the impression is that the efforts and investments reserved for the care of the sick are not equally balanced. Important personalities are hospitalized, interviewed … mere mortals don’t even answer the phone. Then I was lucky, I did not have any serious symptoms, but I am sure that otherwise I would not have seen even the shadow of a doctor! As no one from “official” has set out to help me with basic needs, but I was called to the official status of my positive status on November 10, 2020, so I could activate a Hera volunteer system (even this unreachable number … ) to give them my trash in double bags and gloves that I don’t have, I don’t have food, but according to them I certainly have a supply of special trash bags and relative gloves.
However, to this day I am still in voluntary isolation and I don’t know when I will be able to go back to work.
Barbara Longagnani – Guiglia
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