These are the regions that change color. Boccia does not rule out other closures – Il Tempo


“I do not exclude that there may be others in the next few days, it will depend on the follow-up data.” Thus, with regard to the “red regions”, the Regional Minister for Autonomies and Autonomies, Francesco Boccia, guest of “Today is another day”, the program presented on Rai 1 by Serena Bortone. On the possibility of differentiating different areas within the same regions, Boccia reiterated that it is a possibility “that already exists.” Among the regions competing to finish in the red zone are Liguria, Puglia and Basilicata. Veneto, on the other hand, should go from yellow to orange. The reverse path, however, for Lombardy, which on November 27 could turn orange again. The same fate for Emilia Romagna, who could turn yellow again.

For Boccia “the debate on Christmas dinner at the moment is surreal, simply lunar” while on the question of Calabria, he added: “The Covid plan is there, the Ministry of Health has spoken, President Antonino Spirlì knows that we are working together in the emergency. ” Boccia spoke at the XXXVII Assembly of Anci: «7980 thanks to the Italian mayors, the sentinels of this country. Thanks to President Decaro and to all the mayors who, day by day, work to give answers to the citizens and, in one of the most difficult moments, they have also renounced the power of ordinance avoiding the creation of confusion. In these months of emergency, the mayors have contributed enormously to prevent the health emergency from becoming a true social emergency.
