
“Let’s not make the same mistakes this summer and a Region tells you that perhaps it is the only one with the RT below 1”, said at one point the Lazio Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, in yesterday’s meeting the afternoon between the Regions and the government. There has been talk of the hypothesis of the reopening of shops, bars and restaurants, even in the regions of the orange and red strip after December 3: we are going in that direction, with a curfew that slides until 11pm or midnight. Lazio, which is in the yellow band, therefore with the closure of bars and restaurants at 6 pm, has withdrawn: we will not change the rules, we better be careful.
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Yesterday’s data confirm the slowdown in the contagion race: 36,176 new cases, less than on Thursday, November 12, despite having made many more swabs (yesterday 250,186, the percentage of positives is already 14.6 percent), a significant slowdown in hospitalizations (+ 42 in intensive care). The death toll is still painful: 653. However, the national RT (epidemic transmission index) has improved, has dropped to 1.2 (was 1.43) and today the control room will examine the 21 indicators to decide if there are Regions that need to change bands. “I do not rule out that some turn red,” said Minister Francesco Boccia. But today neither Puglia, nor Basilicata and less Liguria will turn red.
The long summit between the government and the regions, chaired by Boccia, ended with a compromise. The parameters to decide the restrictions will remain unchanged until December 3, despite requests from the governors, and in the meantime, a technical table will evaluate the changes. In return, the Regions have obtained the government’s commitment to obtain “refreshments” for the categories affected by the closures also decreed with their ordinances. Furthermore, the Dpcm of December 3 will be the result of a “political coordination” between the regions and the government.
In any case, there is Christmas behind the confrontation over the parameters. Governors are pushing for quick reopens, so they can give shops, bars and restaurants a chance. The government is more cautious. “Nobody underestimates the seriousness of the situation, absolutely some very early and still insufficient encouraging signs can be exchanged in a narrow escape,” warned the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.
However, there will already be a relaxation with the Dpcm of December 3 and an ad hoc decree around Christmas is not ruled out for a greater softening of the tightening “if the epidemiological situation allows it. With a line already drawn: maximum sobriety for dinners and family gatherings and relaxation of measures for the commerce and catering sector. In short: gifts yes, dinners “nor”.
However, nothing has been decided yet. As Speranza and Boccia explained, “40 days for an epidemic is a long time and talking about Christmas is now lunar.” “The crystal sphere would be needed,” according to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. But at the same time, under pressure from the governors and the “social and psychological malaise” of the Italians, the government is preparing “various scenarios”, depending on how the Rt index will be. With a certainty: “It will not be Christmas for all free “, but” sober and marked by the utmost caution. “
This will be especially true in homes, where the executive prepares to make recommendations, relying on “the common sense of Italians.” “We must prepare,” Conte warned, “to spend the holidays in a more sober way. Parties, dinners, celebrations, kisses and hugs will not be possible: a week of unbridled sociability would mean paying a steep rise in the curve in January and many other deaths ”.
So “no Christmas dinners with twenty people.” Eve and New Year’s Eve can be celebrated with close relatives, first-degree relatives, parents and children, brothers and sisters. With the utmost attention to the elderly (“it would be better if they stayed at home”).
If the first imperative of the government is to avoid the third epidemic wave by stopping infections at home (75%), the second is to try to save the sector most affected by the anti-Covid closures. So with the Dpcm of December 3 there could be a relaxation of the curfew that is applied throughout the country, going from ten in the afternoon to eleven if not at twelve. In the premises, the prohibition of tables with more than 4-6 people and the prohibition of drinking or eating outside the premises. In fact, the nightlife stop will remain strict.
For stores and shopping centers (which could also remain open on Sundays), in order to encourage shopping while avoiding the traditional Christmas crowds, the opening hours will be extended and a strict ticket quota will be applied.
In any case, it will be an irregular Christmas, because for the moment the restrictions on red, orange and yellow are excluded at the regional level. This means that those who live in a red or orange Region or Province will not be able to reach family members who reside in Regions or Provinces of different colors. And vice versa. This is to prevent the spread of infection.
Last update: 00:23