Christmas with the elderly? Quick swab first “


Covid, Miozzo of the Cts: «Christmas with the elderly?  Quick swab first

“We can reopen the bars and restaurants, but at the same time we enforce the rules much more rigorously. Only then can we live with this virus until March. I mean: on the one hand, after December 3, it will be useful to offer the possibility, in the country, of restarting some economic activities; on the other hand, there will be no more images of crowds in the supermarket to buy a pair of shoes.

READ ALSO -> Red zones and 21 parameters, the government to the Regions: “Until December 3, no changes”

Agostino Miozzo He is the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, the group of experts that since the beginning of the emergency helps the government to navigate the unknown seas of the pandemic. For months the CTS has been singled out as a defender of indiscriminate closures, actually after having asked (unheard of) not to reopen the clubs this summer, the Scientific Technical Committee in recent weeks has been in favor of a policy of balancing two needs: stop the epidemic but not to sink the country’s educational, social and economic activity. Miozzo, for example, highlights the urgency to reopen schools.

The CDC (the US health authority) has advised against traveling for Thanksgiving. In Italy, will we be able to move from one region to another to visit relatives at Christmas? Many scoff at this question, but it is often underestimated that holidays, for Italian families, in an increasingly complex society, are the only opportunity to reunite, to be close to the elderly.
“The decision on the movements between Regions can only be taken later, when we are clear about the trend of infections; However, for meeting occasions, during the holidays, it must be reiterated that the utmost prudence and precaution will be necessary, especially when going to look for the most fragile. However, the youngest must maintain a prudent behavior, they must be considered potential carriers of the virus. It would also be useful, before going to an older relative during the holidays, to do a quick swab the day before, now it is quite easy to do. Let me be clear: even after the rapid negative swab, caution and caution is needed, because maybe the virus was incubating, but in any case this is a way to reduce the chances of infection. “

Can we really think about reopening the bars, restaurants and shops in the orange and red regions starting December 4, and extending the catering hours only until 6 pm in the yellow ones?
“There is a possibility that the trend of infections goes in a favorable direction to this decision. The latest data on the new positives is good, but still very high. There is less new admissions in ICU. The trend is clearly encouraging. Before reaching the national RT less than 1, it takes some time, but some regions like Lombardy and Lazio are there. So what’s the use of forcing some businesses to stay closed? That said, however, the really important thing is to set rules, respect them and enforce them.

Sometimes this is missing.
“It must be clearly explained that to live with the virus, in a way compatible with the needs of the labor market and the economy, it is absolutely necessary to give oneself rules. You do not see the images of the supermarket robbery for cheap shoes. It takes rigor, but also the possibility of coming back to life. I would summarize it like this: openings but rigorously. After all, if the message gets through, the Italians will understand. It depends on all of us. But I no longer see anyone without a mask, for example.

Will it be possible to travel between Regions?
“We will have to reflect, based on the trend of infections. We must decide with serenity and tranquility. But we must be clear: prudence will continue to be essential. I have three children, one in Spain, one in Belgium and one in Turin. If they can come see me, I know I will have to keep them at a distance, because I am older. It will be an anomalous Christmas, in every way. We all would like to be able to return to life as before, but it is not possible yet and we must be aware of it.

If there are effective vaccines, the situation will improve. In your opinion, from an organizational point of view, will Italy succeed?
“I am relatively optimistic, we will make it. Today as Cts we will also meet with Commissioner Domenico Arcuri, we asked him to illustrate the plan ».

Last updated: 21:45

