Healthcare in Calabria and Covid-19: new interview with Dr. Enzo Amodeo, internationally renowned cardiologist and head of Cardiology at Hospital Polistena
“Deniers should go away. But we must also stop the drift of scaremongering. You will see that we will have more deaths from other diseases than Covid deaths, at least in Calabria, due to the way the emergency is being handled and I will break my title and put it in the paper shredder if this is not the case. Nobody comes to the hospital anymore, seriously ill people who need regular checks and visits to monitor the situation, and instead they do not come because they are terrified because they think they are going to contract the virus, instead in hospitals there are all the safety routes to avoid the contagion. Skipping check-ups and visits for serious illnesses is much more serious than the minimal risk of contracting the coronavirus. Then, on the contrary, again due to media terrorism, those who have a small symptom attributable to Covid run to the emergency room and take tampons, flooding the system. We must stop feeding panic, we must give the correct information and tell things as they really are“We spoke with Dr. Enzo Amodeo, Head of Cardiology at Hospital Polistena, after the interview last week which caused a stir. However, his considerations were also confirmed by another luminary of science, prof. Franco romeo, that in another interview reiterated that “Calabria is not a red zone“.

Photo by StrettoWeb / Salvatore dice
Amodeo he’s pissed off about what’s been going on in Calabrian healthcare in recent weeks. The “Red zone“, The three commissioners appointed for ten days and then all jumped, the army field hospitals, the arrival of Emergency for other field hospitals, while in Calabria the hospitals are empty and for the fourth appointment the Government thinks about Federico D’Andrea, former general of the Treasury Guard. “The real problem is that they want to militarize Calabria – Explain Amodeo – For years there has been an attempt to get the military to rule our region. You have to explain to me why in the presence of empty hospitals between the operational ones and others in disuse, we work to build field hospitals, tent cities or even Covid-Hotels. What does that mean? I remember that the Minister of Health of the first Conte government, the yellow-green, the Hon. Giulia Grillo said two years ago that she wanted to send military doctors to Calabria, even knowing that military doctors do not have the necessary knowledge to work in hospitals. I was also a doctor for the Carabinieri, obviously I have nothing against them, but it is indisputable that they mainly fulfill a medical-legal function, fitness for work and the like. Ward doctors, on the other hand, are hospital doctors who care for critically ill patients in any sector. That announcement concealed the desire to militarize the Calabria region, and we saw it immediately after with the appointment of General Cotticelli and the prefectural commissioners. Today with the field hospitals we have reached the objective of the militarization of Calabrian healthcare, it is the completion of a project. At least they were able to solve the problems, instead we saw that they made them worse. Because they arrive here convinced that everywhere they find traps, filth, ill health and personal interests. Obviously this is not the case “.
Amodeo explains precisely and in detail how the territorial hospital organization works: “Hospitals have long been divided into centers, radios, and health centers. They have different functions: the creator of this care formula has imagined a radial system, where the axis is in the center and represents the axis of the wheel, the spoke hospitals represent the spokes and then moving towards the periphery we find the health houses for external outpatient activities. When this system was hypothesized, a system that converged only on hubs was not imagined; But for everything to work, there must be a process of osmosis between the different structures, by means of which a patient passes from the radio to the hub and vice versa. In Polistena, which still does not have hemodynamics, a patient who arrives at the emergency room with acute coronary syndrome is sent to the hub where there are places, or the GOM or Germaneto, for revascularization and therefore primary angioplasty. For the system to work, after the emergency service the patient must return to the hospital of origin, then to Polistena in this example case. It should work like this to avoid hub congestion, use it only for the acute phase and therefore for some more important services, and then take the patients to the radios that are the hospitals of origin, therefore those closest to the origin of the patient and that they must be able to treat them both by medical professionals and by technological equipment. And they are. The same goes for Covid, with the Hubs for the most serious cases and the Spokes where they can complete the healing after the critical phase.“.
“At Covid, when we talk about 500 positive aspects like those detected today in Calabria, we refer mainly to asymptomatic people, who do not need hospital treatment. Only a small percentage of these have complications and end up in the hospital, but among them, even fewer have critical conditions for which they would need to flow to the centers. Everyone else can stay in hospitals he spoke. There was no need for any Covid-Hotel, where patients who have already passed the critical phase and have to queue are being taken, the final part of the path of care therapy. It could be completely absorbed by radio hospitals. Equipping a radio hospital for non-serious Covid patients involves negligible costs compared to those required for Covid-Hotels. The Government has given the ASL the possibility of opening a loan: this means that each ASL can buy the necessary equipment for the care of intermediate or post-Covid patients without paying directly. It works like this: ASL calls the company selling the instrument and the company takes it to the hospital the next day, and the government then pays the company for the equipment supplied. We have all the tools to enrich the radio hospitals, re-inhabit the wards. And they are tools that will then remain and therefore will be used for adequate care in the future for all patients in the area. But no, field hospitals do it, Covid-Hospitals, all the things that cost much more“He adds Amodeo.

Photo StrettoWeb / Salvatore Dato
“Too easy now to put all the blame only on Cotticelli who trivially, without realizing it, for a probable psychic numbness, did not think about reading the things he had signed; however, this directive has reached ASPs. The truth of this whole story is that the main responsibility lies with the ASPs and I am speaking in particular of the ASP of Reggio Calabria where there is an impenetrable management from the point of view of requests and advice that can come from high-level professionals. I experienced particularly upsetting moments when I found myself talking to the commissioners of the ASP (which is also a commissioner like Regional Healthcare) because I was challenged by some doctors who I had actually asked to be able to do instrumental research, like echocardiography, which in Any cardiology in the world is performed by all the cardiologists who work there. The commissioners, probably ignoring the terms of the speech, agreed with the doctors who felt harassed by this request. A request that was really an obligation of hers, a duty to fulfill, certainly not a courtesy. However, the culprit turned out to be me, who asked for things that everyone else had to know how to do. This is the way to act, this is what happens in Reggio healthcare“Bitterly comments Dr. Amodeo.

Photo StrettoWeb / Salvatore Dato
“However, we … add again Amodeo – We have the obligation and the duty to help the exhausted colleagues in the central hospitals, we have the obligation to decongest these hospitals, we have the obligation and the duty to make them breathe, and that is what I mean when I say that I have an empty hospital, it is an observation about the possibility that we can help. In the same way, each one of us has the obligation and the duty to transmit the experiences acquired over the years to all those who want to grow professionally. On the other hand, in the last two years there has been a sudden slowdown in the professional growth of doctors who have preferred the role of beggars in search of perks rather than measuring themselves in the true professional aspect, that is, the most qualified service possible towards the user. That is why I would not give up the idea of being able to meet, and have a contradictory one, with the health director of the ASP of Reggio who, having to be the only expert in health matters, must give precise answers to complaints, always polite and calm that they come from those who, like me, who are the last in the series, repeatedly ask to be able to work to the fullest. For two years, for example, I have been asking for the purchase of an echocardiograph that allows you to scan with the precision cardiology ruler. Why in the world, having been the Polistena cardiology chosen as a center of excellence to carry out important research by the ANMCO study center, leaning towards science and information, the ASP refused to approve a deliberative act that would allow the study of atrial fibrillation in cancer patients or today the study of performing the blitz-Covid that allows studying patients with or not affected by covid evaluating the effects of the disease? However, the Polistena Cardiología has already contributed 22,000 euros to the ASP with a project promoted by the Maugeri foundation, and that money has allowed the purchase of furniture, the preparation of the waiting room and the purchase of technological equipment essential for daily activity From the living room“.
For health in Calabria, he explains Amodeo, “there was the strength of ideas and the courage of actions. Without ideas, actions cannot be performedAnd it is this that, without a doubt, has been lacking more than any other element in the last years of the start-up of this beautiful and tormented land.
Outside the tents are set up, but inside the hospitals they are empty: the Calabrian paradox, a trip to the hospital in Polistena [VIDEO]
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