The 2021 Budget Law, made up of 229 articles, begins its parliamentary process.
The deadline for presenting amendments in the fifth committee of the Chamber has been set for Saturday, November 28 at 7:00 p.m. The hearings that will begin on Saturday, beginning of the voting on December 9 with the aim of reaching the vote of the mandate of the speakers by December 16. The goal is to send the maneuver to the House on November 18 and go ahead in first reading on December 20. As expected, therefore, the Senate will have a few days between Christmas and New Years to finally approve the budget law.
What is expected of the school:
- 25,000 additional staff positions per right of support
- 10 million euros for teacher training
- 1,000 technical assistants in the first cycle from 2021/2022 and continuation of fixed-term contracts until December 31, 2020 until June 30
- 1,000 improvement places for kindergarten
- 60 million investments in the range 0-6
- 50 million by 2021 and 50 million by 2022 for the dual system
- 8 million for the enhancement of the digital area, digital animators, training teams, also for teacher training.
- 117 million by 2021 and 106 million by 2022 for an increase in childcare places
- 20 million for the inclusion of students with disabilities in parities
- increase in autonomy funds of 100 million in 2021
- 12 million euros to increase technology and the SIDI system
- 1,500 million for school buildings with extension of powers of common commissioner
- 200 million to the regions and 150 million to the municipalities for school transport
In particular, it is expected:
- increase in the legal staff of support teachers by 25,000 units; The Ministry, according to the Palestinian Authority, has ensured that this expansion will not entail any reduction in the actual workforce;
- an increase in the kindergarten staff by 1000 teachers and an increase in funding in the 0-6 segment for an amount of 62 million euros;
- extension of the contract for technical assistants, already hired in kindergartens and first cycle schools, until June 30, 2021; As of the 2021/22 academic year, the measure will become structural with the hiring of 1,000 technical assistants in the indicated educational segment;
- full-time transformation of the employment contracts of former employees of the LSU school;
Promoting didactic and digital innovation in schools
- Extension, also for the 2021/22 and 2022/23 academic years, of the activities of the territorial training teams with the function of promoting educational measures and projects and digital innovation in schools, to ensure the dissemination of actions related to the Digital School Plan, as well as promoting the training of teaching staff and the improvement of students’ skills on innovative teaching methods and integrated digital teaching;
- increase in the resources of the Fund for the operation of educational institutions in order to promote educational and digital innovation actions in schools through the participation actions of digital animators;
- increased spending on the creation of an integrated information system for decision support in the school education sector, for the collection, systematization and multidimensional analysis of related data, for the long-term forecast of staff spending school, as well as supporting the legal and economic management of the aforementioned personnel also through artificial intelligence technologies and for distance education;