556 positive, seven dead and 438 cured


Seven deaths, 556 positive, 438 recovered. According to the Bulletin of the Umbria Region and Civil Protection updated at 12:54 on November 19, there are 11,390 (+111 compared to November 18) currently positive for Covid-19 in Umbria. 5,509 swabs performed in the last 24 hours.

Coronavirus in Umbria, the map as of November 19: all data municipality by municipality

As of November 19, 444 (+2 compared to November 18) were hospitalized in Umbria, of which 75 (+1 compared to November 18) in intensive care and 12,020 (-136 compared to 18 November) isolates.

Coronavirus, the Perugia bulletin of November 19: 1 dead, 103 positives and 85 recovered

Since the start of the health emergency there are 20,567 (+556 compared to November 18) total cases of positivity to the coronavirus in Umbria, 8,884 (+438 compared to November 18) cured, 293 (+7 compared with November 18) dead and 377,286 (+5509 compared to November 18) swabs performed.

Coronavirus, Cardinal Bassetti resigned: “Thanks to the Perugia hospital”
