“Those parameters are complicated”: thus Bassetti dismantles the government


4-5 parameters are more indicative than 21Thus, the infectious disease specialist Matteo bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Hospital in Genoa and member of the Covid-19 crisis unit of Liguria, comments to Dnakronos the request of the Regions to eliminate the indicators on the basis of which the yellow, orange or red zone is decided 5.

Following the rejection of the 21 parameters by the Conference of Regions, which considered them “inadequate”, proposing to reduce them to 5, a confrontation with the government was scheduled for today. The Regional Affairs Minister, Francesco Boccia, has called a meeting by videoconference for 4:00 p.m. which will also be attended by the Health Minister, Roberto Speranza, and the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro. At the center of the meeting will be the discussion on the parameters foreseen for the establishment of the zones.

Infectious diseases specialist Matteo Bassetti, who stands on the side of the Regions, also spoke about the adequacy of the 21 indicators. The expert, in fact, pointed out that “atcuni dei 21 parameters I’m very Complicated and I think some are more important than others. “In his opinion, the parameters really indicative of the situation are much less:” the system is not badly done, but when you look at the RT, the filling of the overcrowded emergency rooms intensive care and finally the number of positive swabs of the total of those performed, here 4-5 parameters are more indicative than 21“. Lowering the indicators would not only benefit the Regions: in fact, according to Bassetti,”reviewing parameters can also help technicians who have to enter data every day“. In this way, “we would be Faster reducing the number and also the algorithm could work better. The color system is fine, but there is also a need for Regions to be able to move from a high risk zone to a lower one more quickly if the indicators return to normal.“.

The parameters will be at the center of the meeting scheduled for this afternoon, in which the Regions will meet with the Government, to discuss useful strategies to face the health emergency caused by the second wave. According to the regional presidents, 21 parameters are not adequate to decide the color of the area and, therefore, they have requested that they be reduced. “The indicators that we have requested to maintain are the substantial ones, which best describe the epidemiological situation“, The governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, told SkyTg24, also supporting the difficulty inherent in the indicators.”I am from hard to understand– He explained – but above all difficult to apply. It is not possible to understand how certain conclusions are reached from these parameters. The other fundamental aspect is that the five parameters can refer to very recent data, for example the employment situation of intensive care units, other data refer to one or two weeks before “.
