Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters
We were suffering, is it possible that no one has uttered the crazy word yet? We hoped that Marco Travaglio would do it, who named one of his winged books that way, instead Matteo Salvini did it: “Inciucio”! Here, now we are fine.
The alleged leader of an alleged alliance accuses the intelligence ally with the enemy. Because this is what Matteo Salvini means by disorder. Silvio Berlusconi would be “messing up” with the government because he said he was willing to vote on the budget variation (as Forza Italia and La Lega have done twice) as long as those resources are used to support the VAT figures and increase the economy.
Was it a mess that led DC and PCI to collaborate for postwar reconstruction? Was it a mess that in the seventies allowed parties across the “constitutional arc” to confront terrorism? Were some attempts, unfortunately unsuccessful, to provide Italy with an institutional structure that would allow us to compete on equal terms with other Western democracies? Was the amendment signed Monday by the majority and leaders of opposition groups (except the League) in the Senate Culture Committee to recognize a 90% tax credit for live theater and entertainment a disaster?
No, it was politics. It was just politics, that is, mediation. A mediation exercised in the general interest at a time of maximum national crisis. There are those who prefer propaganda to politics. There are those who try to save what can be saved and those who play the worst, the best. There are those who, who went to the government with the grillini, accuse those who have remained, and will remain, in the opposition today of being wrong. It wasn’t Marco Travaglio, it was Matteo Salvini.