Bologna, November 18, 2020 – There are many questions and doubts that arise these days, following the new rules due to the orange zone and the additional travel restrictions imposed by the regional ordinance. So much so that the Region has published new clarifications on the regulations of the orange zone
The tire dealer yes, the mechanic no
For example, given the entry into force on November 15,obligation to install snow tires or chains, if it is possible to go to the mechanic or the tire dealer even if it is out of the ordinary. S.Ygarage where the citizen has deposited his car tires, is located in a different municipality, you can go? Yep, you can move and contact the tire dealer for seasonal change.
But this is the only exception, because for other reasons or other operations, northit’s not possible move from your municipality to get to yours mechanic or body builder trustworthy. Not even in case you have a date first of the publication of the ordinance.
Laundry and tattoo artist no
In the tangle of prohibitions, it is now clear that you cannot cross the municipality not even to enter laundries, neither at the hairdresser nor at the beautician.
But even in this case, the Region has published some clarifications. In fact, in case you wanted to go of your own tattoo artist trust, even if it is rare, would not be possible. As the needs related to hairdressers and beauticians, you can’t go out of the ordinary to get a tattoo.
Hair thickening yes
The exception is for running a treatment of hair thickening, already started or already paid. If so, is it allowed to move from the municipality of one, since un stopping treatment would nullify previously acquired benefits. It’s a performance so-called “infungible”, but still must be self-certified and customer tested.
Volunteering yes
Volunteering is a valid reason to move between different municipalities. And these activities include not only those related to the management of the current health emergency, but also those that reconnect with the care activities carried out, also in agreement with local authorities, in favor of needy or disadvantaged people. .
Hunting and fishing no
You can only ‘devalue’ if you practice hunting professionally, being comparable to any other job. But this cannot be done in the case of hunting intended to be a sport. This also applies to the owners of a fixed position located outside their municipality of residence, or who practice hunting in a Wildlife Hunting Company (which does not include the territory of the municipality of residence).
Religious functions not always
You can go to another municipality only if yours does not have the place of worship of the professed religion.
Food shopping yes
A very trite question, but one that is worth remembering: “It is forbidden to travel to municipalities other than the one in which you live, except for specific needs or requirements. Shopping is always one of the justifications for traveling. Therefore, in the event that your Municipality does not have points of sale or in the event that an adjacent Municipality to yours has availability, even in terms of greater economic convenience, of the points of sale necessary for your needs, it allows movement within these limits that must be self-certified. “
With the concept of “do the shopping”, always refers to foods. For everyone else displacements the above rules apply with the relative exceptions.
Self certification
The editable self-certification form: download the PDF here.
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