Covid-19, Bolzano divided into 22 zones: here is when to do the mass test – Bolzano


BOLZANO. In Bolzano, the mass screening will take place from 20 to 22 November from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. It is open to all citizens over 5 years old. It is also open to people present in the municipal or provincial territory for work or study reasons even if they are not residents. Minors must be accompanied by their parents.

In the municipality of Bolzano, 22 structures have been identified in which the tests will be carried out. These are mainly gymnasiums found in the schools that normally house the polling stations for elections and 6 other sites (Palasport via Resia, Palamazzali viale Trieste, multipurpose rooms Rosenbach piazza Nikoletti and Ortles piazzetta Anne Frank, Youth Center via Vintler and the Rainerum Institute Piazza Domenicani).


The citizens of Bolzano are invited to appear at the reference structure according to their residence or address in the indicated time slots, bringing with them an identity document, the health card, the form duly completed with their personal data for the hygienic test . and the privacy policy. In any case, the form can also be completed on site.


Screening consists of a free rapid antigen test. It is essentially a nasopharyngeal swab that can detect the presence of the virus and provide a result in 15-30 minutes. This is a safe and painless test. The tests will be carried out by health personnel. The intervention and collaboration for the logistical and administrative part of employees of the Municipality of Bolzano, of the Province, of Civil Protection of the Volunteer Firefighters of the Red Cross and the White Cross are foreseen.

The swab result (POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE) will be communicated by email in approximately one hour after testing. The PDF file containing the result can be downloaded using a code that will be sent by SMS. Those who do not have email or phone can refer a family member or relative or their GP. You need to provide an email address and phone number in advance when completing the form for the test. In the event of a POSITIVE swab result, a 10-day isolation period is expected. If you do not have symptoms, it will be possible to end the isolation after 10 days without further testing.

From today (November 18) and until Tuesday, November 24, you can also take the tests at authorized pharmacies and at your family doctor.

For information regarding the performance of detection operations in the municipality of Bolzano, the telephone numbers 0471 997082 and 0471 997062 from 8 to 18 are active only on Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 November. days also at the free number 800 751751 from 8 to 20.
