The investigation of the Trapani Prosecutor’s Office on the Alcamo laboratory that has carried out thousands of tests is expanded
By Riccardo Lo Verso
PALERMO. For the moment, the investigation assumes a “culpable responsibility for death in the health sector”, But there is much more. Unfortunately, it begins with the death of a Covid woman. He lived in the same house as his brother-in-law, who had undergone the negative swab.
Except that the swab was made in the Emolab laboratory in Alcamo ended up in a seizure because he would have reported false results.
The exposed
On the table of the Trapani Prosecutor, currently governed by Deputy Prosecutor Maurizio Agnello, last November 1 is Through the lawyer Salvatore Galluffo, a complaint came from a woman who tells the tragic story of her family. Sister died of Covid and her husband was saved thanks to the intervention of the doctors.
The husband is sick
On the night of September 17, the 58-year-old husband returns home. He has a severe headache and a mild fever. Take an antipyretic. The day after waking up, he had a fever of 38.5 and aches throughout his body. The wife contacts the attending physician, who recommends sampling. Except that in the presence of fever the serological one cannot be done, but the molecular one. The sister also lives with the partner and begins to experience the same symptoms. The same thing happens to the couple’s children in the following days. The whole family is infected with Covid.
At that time the doctor directs them to the laboratoryrI from Alcamo became associated with the Koala company. For a tampon they ask for 100 euros, too much to do everything. Only the husband is tested. On the morning of September 25, the result arrives: negative. They breathe a sigh of relief.
His condition, however, did not improve and the treating doctor decides to visit him. Listen to the lungs something does not convince him and he invites the man to go to the hospital. And this is where the positivity towards Covid arises and the need to hospitalize it in intensive care. There he remained two weeks. Now she is better, but she still lives isolated in another house.
The death of his sister
The story becomes dramatic for the 66-year-old sister. who ends up in the Palermo hospital on October 3, where he dies on October 19. It was also positive about Covid. According to relatives, if they had found out immediately about the brother-in-law’s infection, the health intervention would have been more timely.
And here the work of the Prosecutor’s Office andthe Carabinieri of the Nas of Palermo who must find the possible causal link between the lack of diagnosis and death, as well as the proof that the husband at the time of the first swab was not really negative.
Other exhibited
The case of the deceased woman is the most dramatic, but certainly not the only one. When the investigation became known, other citizens filed a complaint. They all have a negative result from the Emolab lab on hand, however subsequent molecular testing has revealed the infection. People who believed themselves well and circulated as if nothing had happened.
Thousands of fake tampons?
The risk is that thousands of tampons have had a false result. The investigation revealed a failure in the control system. The suspects at this time are Benedetto Fabio Di Giorgi, legal representative of the Koala consortium, and Salvatore Ciaccio, technical director of the Emobal laboratory in via Torquato Tasso in Alcamo. The hypothesis challenged by the prosecutor Brunella Sardoni and ordered by Judge Caterina Brignone for preliminary investigations is a fraud in public supplies.
The lab is under attack. Already in the previous months it had emerged that he did not have the credentials to process swabs, but he had not been detained. It continued processing swabs. The chain of controls involves a fundamental step. Laboratories, such as Alcamo, which have signed an agreement with a health company, in this case Trapani, are subjected to quality control in order to perform the service on behalf of the regional health system.
A fault in the controls
The regional health department has created a special control body, based in piazza Ottavio Ziino, which checks the efficiency of the machines with which the swabs are processed. How? Repeat the test on samples that have already been processed and whose result is known. In case of discrepancies in the result, the laboratory must adapt the machines to improve the service (as established in the contract).
The fact is that in Alcamo some champions last AprilOne of the “unacceptable” results, highlighting an “inappropriate machine report”. It got worse the following July, when a negative sample was actually positive. The error rate from April to July would have increased from 25 to 45 percent of the verified samples. When the Nas carabinieri, on October 9, carried out an inspection in Alcamo, they found the same cars without the necessary adaptation having been carried out.
Inappropriate machines
Inappropriate machines who, however, continued to process thousands of swabs on behalf of the ASP and the citizens, collecting the findings in the consortium’s laboratories based in many municipalities in the province of Palermo. The carabinieri have acquired the documentation. They say it was impossible to process hundreds of swabs in a single day. And then the tests would have lacked the necessary information about the patients needed for follow-up.
The agreement signed by Damiani
And here the investigation is duplicated, not only is there the case of the deceased woman, but the agreement between the laboratory and the ASP of Trapani has been finalized under observation. It was Fabio who signed it Damiani, Manager of the Trapani Provincial Health Company arrested on suspicion of taking bribes to pilot public health tenders.
Source: Riccardo Lo Verso Livesicilia.it