Even Puglia’s 3,000,600 family doctors and 500 free-choice pediatricians will be able to perform quick swabs, organize mandatory quarantine, trace contacts and reserve a molecular swab directly on the region’s Java Covid platform.
Apulia towards the red zone: hypothesis of a distinction by provinces
by Antonello Cassano
This is what is foreseen in the draft agreement between the institution and the unions of general practitioners (Fimmg, Italian Federation of general practitioners and union agreement) and pediatricians (Fimpe) which, if all goes according to plan, will be signed. Thursday 19 or Friday 20 November. Objective: to support ASL Prevention departments struggling with a wave of infections that has overwhelmed the monitoring of close contacts and has lengthened the execution time of a swab by up to two weeks.
Coronavirus, 13 drive throughs from Defense for tampons in Puglia: you need to book with ASL
With the Army, the Navy and the 13 planned drive-through tampon tents throughout the region (nine of which have already been installed from San Severo to Taurisano) the family doctors, therefore.
And quick swabs
Based on the provisions of the draft agreement on the table of the Region, family doctors and pediatricians will be able to perform antigen tests (so-called quick swabs) in close contacts of people who have tested positive for coronavirus. The hypothesis is that doctors can do the tests between the seventh and tenth day of contact, but only in asymptomatic patients. And only if the contact occurred without the use of masks: “For example, if I went to lunch with my mother, which later turns out positive. But it is necessary to reiterate that it is not recommended in this phase of the pandemic and it is appropriate to behave as if there would be a lockdown “, explains Donato Monopoli, regional secretary of Fimmg. If the test is positive, the same professional will reserve a molecular swab on the platform of the Region: an essential test to confirm the diagnosis. Because the negative result of the rapid swab is If it is positive, however, the probability that the verdict will be distorted is high and for this reason the test must be repeated according to the more traditional analysis technique, followed by molecular examination of the virus RNA.
Where to make tampons
Doctors’ offices will be prohibited and professionals are not allowed to make swabs at home. The hypothesis that the Region and the unions are examining is that ASL makes adequate facilities available to doctors. Step blinds are also not excluded. The Region will be responsible for providing the necessary personal protective equipment (coveralls, masks, visors or disposable gowns, for example). But not all family doctors will be enrolled on this front. Professionals who are in fragile conditions, such as those with immunodeficiency or cancer (naturally) are excluded.
At the moment, only the health authorities can order the quarantine. However, with the entry into force of the agreement and the definition of the procedures provided by law in the Region, even general practitioners will be able to order isolation with their own provision. And also waiting for the patient to be swabbed.
Il tracing of contacts
It is one of the most important innovations, especially to get back on track the close contact tracking system that had been lost for some time. According to the draft agreement, family doctors will be able to locate contacts, an activity until now in the hands of health assistants in service in the ASL (and in some cases in the hands of the Usca, or the doctors assigned to the units continuity of special care). And so they will be able to call the close contacts of the positives and reserve a buffer directly on the Java Covid platform of the Region, avoiding the request via email to the Prevention department and all the intermediate steps and communication bounces that lengthen the times. The swab, in the case of people with symptoms, should be the molecular one made by ASL. In any case, the test results will be entered into the platform directly by the doctors. “We are prepared to do our part to face the emergency and accelerate the tracking of the infection. Only for contact tracing we foresee at least an hour and a half more work per day and the hope is that it will subsidize our employees”, explains a doctor.