
The commissioners in Calabria fell like skittles. Following the resignation of Saverio Cotticelli and those of Giuseppe Zuccatelli, so much for shameful scandals, here he has not also come from Eugenio Gaudio. The rector of La Sapienza had been designated as the perfect man to manage the health of Calabria. At least that’s what they must have thought Roberto Speranza and the government before the person concerned slowed down. The reason? “My wife doesn’t want to go live in Catanzaro.” And again, in a clarification a Republic: “I met resistance at home, and I bow to them. I reported it to the government in time.” And so the Region came face to face, with a name, that of Gino strada (also among the candidates eligible for the commission ed) hampered by the acting president himself Nino Spirlì.

“The appointment of Strada will not come because they will have to go through my body, we no longer need commissioners or missionaries. Calabria is not Afghanistan. I tell Gaudio that Catanzaro is a beautiful city, elegant, civilized and honest people live there. “. Calabria therefore only has to focus on another bid. He is on pole at the moment. Federico Maurizio D’Andrea, Manager of Calabria transplanted to Milan, as well as former Colonel of Finance and former President of Sogei and Olivetti. And who knows if the time will be right.