In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 1,272,352 people (+ 34,282 * compared to yesterday, + 2.8%; yesterday +32,191) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Of these, 47,217 died (+753, + 1.6%; yesterday +731) and 481,967 have healed or been Discharged (+24,169, + 5.3%; yesterday +15,434). Now, the currently positive subjects of which there is certainty are 743,168 (+9,358, + 1.3%; yesterday +16,026) and are visible in the fifth column from the right of the table above; the count increases to 1,272,352, as mentioned above, if there are also dead and cured people in the calculation, counting all the people who have tested positive for the virus since the start of the epidemic.
I tampons They were 234,834, or 26,376 more than yesterday when it was 208,458. While the positivity rate around at 15% (precisely 14.6%): means that of 100 swabs performed, 15 were positive; yesterday it was around 15% (precisely 15.4%). This percentage gives an idea of the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed. And if you look at the decimal part, you notice a decrease. This is the map of contagion in Italy.
Infections increase within 24 hours, before multiple tests, but they are far from the peak of 40,902 new cases registered on November 13. The curve has been growing linearly for a few days, which suggests that we are on the plateau. This is also shown in the proportion of cases with tampons, which drops slightly, from 15.4 to 14.6%. During the week we will understand if this is really the case. The restrictions give the first results, but the situation continues to be serious, as Health Minister Roberto Speranza said, and you have to be patient. The circulation of Covid slows down in our country and in Europe, as indicated by the WHO weekly report that explains: of the 4 million new global positives last week, almost half are in Europe and the first time in more than three months. that cases in Europe have decreased by about 10%.
The number of victims remains dramatic, above 700 for the second day in a row. As experts say, this figure will be the last to decrease and for the longest time. In most cases, these are people who were infected 15-20 days earlier, during the fast-growing phase of infections. No region has zero deaths, while the largest number of people who have lost their lives are registered in Lombardy (+182), Lazio (+80), Campania (+75) e Piedmont (+63) Below the detail.
I hospitalized patients with symptoms are 33,504 (+430, + 1.3%; yesterday +538), while the most seriously ill in intensive care they are 3,670 (+58, + 1.6%; yesterday +120). These data are visible in the table above, in the second and third columns from the left. The stability of the health system is a matter of concern: according to Agenas (Regional Health Services Agency), with data updated to November 17, there are already 17 regions that have exceeded the critical threshold of occupied intensive care units (30 %).
Here all the newsletters of February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
The cases Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.
Lombardy 340,989 (+7,633, + 2.3%; yesterday +8,448)
Piedmont 134,828 (+3,281, + 2.5%; yesterday +2,606)
Campania 121,942 (+3,657, + 3.1%; yesterday +3,019)
Veneto 108,938 (+2,972, + 2.8%; yesterday +3,124)
Emilia-Romagna 95,654 ** (+2,371, + 2.5%; yesterday +2,219)
Lazio 92,085 (+2,866, + 3.2%; yesterday +2,538)
Tuscany 86,705 (+2,508, + 3%; yesterday +2,361)
Sicily 46,528 (+1,837, + 4.1%; yesterday +1,698)
Liguria 45,202 (+775, + 1.7%; yesterday +685)
Puglia 38,084 (+1,368, + 3.7%; yesterday +1,234)
March 24,434 (+479, + 2%; yesterday +357)
Abruzzo 21,193 (+641, + 3.1%; yesterday +729)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 20,725 *** (+796, + 4%; yesterday +536)
Umbria 20,011 (+501, + 2.6%; yesterday +351)
Bolzano 18,685 (+581, + 3.2%; yesterday +258)
Sardinia 16,518 (+422, + 2.6%; yesterday +502)
Trento 13,261 (+236, + 1.8%; yesterday +276)
Calabria 12,006 (+936, + 8.5%; yesterday +680)
Valle d’Aosta 5,586 (+87, + 1.6%; yesterday +154)
Basilicata 5,612 (+237, + 4.4%; yesterday +269)
Molise 3366 (+99, + 3%; yesterday +147)
Deaths Region by Region
The figure provided below, and divided by Region, is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 19,850 (+182; yesterday +202)
Piedmont 5,253 (+63; yesterday +73)
Campania 1,160 (+75; yesterday +19)
Veneto 3.019 (+52; yesterday +100)
Emilia-Romagna 5,168 (+53; yesterday +48)
Lazio 1.819 (+80; yesterday +59)
Tuscany 2,022 (+55; yesterday +52)
Sicily 1,015 (+44; yesterday +39)
Liguria 2163 (+19; yesterday +20)
Puglia 1,085 (+28; yesterday +36)
March 1,139 (+9; yesterday +11)
Abruzzo 712 (+9; yesterday +13)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 567 (+11; yesterday +10)
Umbria 286 (+11; yesterday +13)
Bolzano 425 (+11; yesterday +9)
Sardinia 350 (+10; yesterday +12)
Trento 549 (+7; yesterday +3)
Calabria 197 (+10; yesterday +7)
Valle d’Aosta 259 (+2; yesterday +4)
Basilicata 99 (+14; yesterday without new deaths)
Molise 80 (+8; yesterday +1)
* The data does not correspond exactly to the difference of the total of cases today with those of the previous day due to a new calculation of Emilia-Romagna (see notes below).
** The Emilia Romagna Region informs that after verifying the data reported in recent days, 2 cases have been eliminated because they are not considered COVID-19 cases.
*** The Friuli Venezia Giulia region announces that today’s data includes 54 positive cases registered from October 28 to November 12 and recovered from the flow of information from private laboratories.
Article updating …
November 18, 2020 (change November 18, 2020 | 18:36)