Officials’ strike on December 9. Minister Dadone: “Exorbitant choice, 3,800 million in maneuver to renew contracts”


The public employee strike, proclaimed for December 9, unions dissatisfied with the funds allocated to the maneuver for the Contract renewal, triggers the government reaction. Tuesday the minister Fabiana Dadone Di said “amazed” by the choice “exorbitant given the country’s situation “, with” the VAT numbers in difficulty “and” those who do not have a permanent job in considerable difficulty. “And highlighting that the renovations have been assigned 3.8 billion ad hoc and “it is not that they can recover 10 years of contractual blocking in a complex and delicate year like this one ”. While the premier Giuseppe Conte, speaking at the Fipe assembly Confcommercio, did not mention the strike but stressed: “We must be aware that new inequalities and that there are categories that enjoy greater protection, social groups that are also capable of accumulating greater savings than in the past, let’s think about Public employees “, that “they don’t have to travel to go to work” and thanks to smart work “save time and money“.

The maneuver increases by 400 million, as of 2021, the resources allocated to the renovation, which stand at 1.8 billion next year and 2.17 in 2022. In addition, it allocates 500 million forexclusivity allowance for medical management and 335 million for compensation to nurses, provides for recruitment in the police and among Ata staff.

Fp Cgil, Cisl Fp, Uil Fpl and Uil Pa, of whom they speak today “spurious attacks– they declared the strike after “having recognized the outcome of the confrontation between the Government and the trade union centrals CGIL, CISL and UIL, in lack of resources to work safely, to start a extensive occupational planning and stabilization of precarious and for the financing of renovations. “For the last renovation arrived in 2018, they recall,” the resources of the fund contributed by the government (85 euros on average), along with the assignment of contractual holidays (20 euros), were a first response to a wage freeze imposed since 2009 ″. Bad tolerance “They have been unemployed for more than 10 years, resources are not released for decentralized negotiation.” In short, “the Government proposes a recipe as old as cucco and that to date it has not achieved: defensive bureaucracy, without changes, legal provisions that block dynamism organizational “. The situation in the country, they continue,” is of great concern and public workers have acted with great responsibility: sector educational, Social workers, police local employees of the entities with which they deal pension and assistance, doctors, nurses, technicians, health and social-health workers, health workers safety, all these workers who are part of the operation deserve a dignified renewal ”.

For Minister Dadone, “someone is thinking of blocking Italy and putting it at risk fragile social position. Everyone will assume their responsibilities ”. Criticism of the strike decision came from Vincenzo Garruti, Vice-president M5 of the Commission of Constitutional Affairs of Palazzo Madama – “the attitude of the unions seems lunar, the very serious risk they run is to seem truly out of the world” – and from Italy alive: for Gianfranco Librandi “the Italian unions have unfortunately He chose to be out of history. In a dramatic moment for national life, with millions of workers blocked, companies in crisis and the risk of poverty that advances, the strike of the most guaranteed and protected workers is simply irresponsible “.

The Union Ugl for his part, he considers the strike “inappropriate at this time of health and economic emergency” but adds that “public employees, despite a real fury towards them, have always given their best in the sectors to which they belong: Health, School, Local Ministries Autonomy It would be unfair to penalize even today these categories of public works, which together with others of private works, are at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19, although in different ways and with different problems. they will have to give tangible answers and the workers employed in the great machinery of the State will have to play a decisive role that can no longer be underestimated or forgotten ”.
