November 18, 2020
Three dead in Guastalla, two in Castelnovo Sotto, one in Luzzara, Bibbiano, Cavriago and in the city. There are 28 patients in intensive care. Data municipality by municipality
REGGIO EMILIA – In the last 24 hours in the province of Reggio Emilia, nine Covid19 positive patients have died. The total since the beginning of the pandemic has risen to 669. On the other hand, 273 new positives were recorded (222 of which symptomatic): 47 are attributable to known outbreaks, 226 classified as sporadic. Two new admissions to intensive care, where there are 28 admissions.
The deaths refer to a 21-year-old girl and three other women of 98, 86 and 76, and 5 men respectively of 91, two of 88, and the other 82 and 79 years.
Covid19, dies at 21: Luzzara cries Martina Bonaretti. VIDEO
The data released by the Local Health Authority of Reggio Emilia
POSITIVE HISPITS | 273 | 13932 |
INSULATION AT HOME | 258 | 5630 ** |
Negative pad cure | 7876 |
* The figure includes positive people in isolation in COVID hotels
** the strengthening of the deployed forces allowed to take over a greater proportion of surveillance in a more timely manner and to close a substantial number of quarantines arranged.
Read and watch too
Covid19: in Emilia Romagna 53 deaths, decrease in hospitalizations, the real patients are 59,319
New cases | |
Albinea | 3 |
Bagnolo on piano | 1 |
Baiso | 1 |
Bibbiano | 5 |
Boretto | 2 |
Brescello | 3 |
Cadelbosco Up | eleven |
Campagnola Emilia | 2 |
Campegine | 3 |
Canossa | 1 |
Carpineti | 2 |
Casalgrande | 10 |
Casina | 4 |
Castellarano | 1 |
Castelnovo Sotto | 5 |
Castelnovo ne ‘Monti | 5 |
Cavriago | 8 |
Correggio | sixteen |
Fabbrico | 1 |
Gattatico | |
Gualtieri | 1 |
Guastalla | 12 |
Luzzara | 5 |
Montecchio Emilia | 3 |
Novellara | 8 |
Poviglio | 3 |
Quattro Castella | 7 |
Reggio emilia | 109 |
Reggiolo | 1 |
Saliceto River | 5 |
Roll | |
Rubiera | 9 |
San Martino in Rio | 4 |
San Polo d’Enza | 1 |
Sant’Ilario d’Enza | |
Scandian | 13 |
Toano | 1 |
Salesso | 2 |
Vetto | |
Vezzano sul Crostolo | 2 |
Viano | |
Villa Minozzo | |
Non-resident in the province | |
Residents in another region | 3 |
Total | 273 |
The dead
City of residence | Partial | Total |
Albinea | 8 | |
Bagnolo on piano | 7 | |
Baiso | 2 | |
Bibbiano | 1 | 14 |
Boretto | 5 | |
Brescello | 2 | |
Cadelbosco Up | 12 | |
Campagnola Emilia | 4 | |
Campegine | twenty | |
Canossa | 1 | |
Carpineti | 5 | |
Casalgrande | fifteen | |
Casina | 10 | |
Castellarano | 5 | |
Castelnovo Sotto | 2 | sixteen |
Castelnovo ne ‘Monti | twenty | |
Cavriago | 1 | 7 |
Correggio | 31 | |
Fabbrico | 3 | |
Gattatico | 9 | |
Gualtieri | 4 | |
Guastalla | 3 | 24 |
Luzzara | 1 | sixteen |
Montecchio Emilia | 25 | |
Novellara | 5 | |
Poviglio | 6 | |
Quattro Castella | 9 | |
Reggio emilia | 1 | 218 |
Reggiolo | sixteen | |
Saliceto River | 10 | |
Roll | 2 | |
Rubiera | 12 | |
San Martino in Rio | 10 | |
San Polo d’Enza | 9 | |
Sant’Ilario d’Enza | twenty-one | |
Scandian | 31 | |
Toano | 2 | |
Salesso | fifteen | |
Vetto | 3 | |
Vezzano sul Crostolo | eleven | |
Viano | ||
Villa Minozzo | 5 | |
Non-resident in the province | twenty | |
Total | 9 | 669 |
Reggio emilia hospitalizations dead sprouts deceased coronavirus contagion tampons COVID-19 positive