
In the morning, the protests were heard in particular by Attilio fontana me Alberto Cirio, governors of Lombardy and Piedmont, both red zones. Protests against the 21 parameters required by the last dpcm establish the coloration of the zones (yellow, orange, red, according to which the restrictions to contain the coronavirus infection increase). In particular, the governors, taking into account the change of situation, ask to be “promoted” to less strict colors, insisting that there are only five fundamental parameters for decisions.
And after an initial refusal, here in the afternoon we reached a partial inflection point. Francesco BocciaThe Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies has in fact called a meeting with the Regions for Thursday at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the 21 parameters. The Minister of Health will also participate in the meeting, Roberto Speranza, and the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro. Ultimately, it is possible that the criteria will be revised and, therefore, the classification of some regions may also be revised.
Meanwhile, however, the alarm rains from Agemas tracking, according to which 42% of national intensive care positions are occupied by Covid patients: we are 12 percentage points above the critical threshold. This figure is substantially stable compared to the day before, but it now affects 17 regions out of 21, whereas just a week ago it affected ten regions. And again, the places in medical wards occupied by Covid patients are 51% nationally, compared to a criticality threshold set at 40%.