(ANSA) – MILAN, NOVEMBER 18 – “They accuse me of having eluded the tax authorities, I find it deeply unfair, something that is also a shame for me, it is not my fault.” The television presenter Simona Ventura defended herself with this spontaneous statement in the Milanese trial in which she is accused of tax evasion, for events between 2012 and 2015, for about 500 thousand euros. “I have never been interested in tax issues,” he added before Judge Saba, “I never understood a single pipe of these things, probably my mistake was to trust the professionals who dealt with these aspects.”
“I have been working in the entertainment world for 34 years and I have never been interested in tax issues,” explained the presenter, defended by lawyers Jacopo Pensa and Federico Papa. “I have always delegated to professionals – he continued – and I say this not to download on them, but because I had faith”.
Ventura explained that he always wanted to “pay all the taxes” and that is why he tried to pay “the above” with a “serious” appraisal, but then he realized that “he could not pay everything, because it was very expensive, I also have debts with banks and mortgages ”(ANSA).