How the coronavirus affects children


I children and teens tested positive for coronavirus Since the beginning of the pandemic in Italy there are 126,622: this is approximately 12% of the total number of infected people in our country. Of the 126,622 infected, 36,622 (about a third) are between the ages of zero and nine, and about 90,000 are between the ages of ten and nineteen. The Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) takes stock of the situation, based on data from the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), in view of the extraordinary Congress “Italian Pediatrics and the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic” held on 27 and November 28.

How the coronavirus affects children and adolescents

Most of these children and adolescents had mild forms, “with a very low fatality rate. But if infections increased, especially the frail could face significant problems.” “A dramatic and unexpected event, this pandemic has shocked the entire planet to the point of representing a historic milestone between what life was like before Covid and what it will be like after Covid. Therefore, we have decided to dedicate an event to this important topic. National virtual training and updating for pediatricians ”, explained Alberto Villani, president of Sip. The first extraordinary congress of the IAPA fully digital will bring together the contributions of the 17 affiliated scientific societies, the eleven IAPA study groups dedicated to specific topics and the nineteen regional sections.

Pharmacological treatments for the little ones

One of the aspects that will be discussed are the pharmacological treatments for the little ones. “In the first wave of the epidemic, azithromycin was the most common drug given to children at home, but recent studies have disproved the usefulness of this antibiotic. In adolescents, hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial, was also prescribed. No it was seen to have great effects, “said Luisa Galli, secretary of Sip’s pediatric pharmacology study group. The expert reiterated how, “except in the case of children with severe asthma, heart disease or other underlying pathologies, parents should not give anything other than paracetamol and maintain close contact with the pediatrician.”

Symptoms: when to go to the hospital

However, Galli added, “A Covid-positive child with a high fever that does not recede or with severe respiratory symptoms, or with dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhea, should be taken to the hospital for evaluation.” Among the youngest, admissions due to covid were few and there is no problem of overcrowding in pediatric wards. “There have been some cases of severe pneumonia in intensive care, but very few compared to adults. Severe cases, on the other hand, referred to systemic inflammatory syndromes with autoimmune genesis, sometimes similar to Kawasaki syndrome, at other times similar to septic shock and in this case they affect all organs including the kidneys and liver ”, said Galli. In these cases, he explained, we intervene with cortisone and antivirals, such as remdesivir, but also with cytokine inhibitors.

“The school had no impact on the increase in infections”

Meanwhile, the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina she said: “The school did not have a decisive impact on the increase in infections, I had no doubts. In the summer we worked hard and the adults were good at enforcing the rules. I will be really satisfied when all the students are Back to class. There will be a gradual return, we will look at the curve and then we will decide, “he said in statements to” Non stop News’ on Rtl. “I hope – he concluded – that today’s limitations are temporary. Unfortunately, the Minister of Education cannot decide on the The opening or closing of the school is decided by the local authorities. “
