Quick, molecular lancing device do it yourself. An efficient laboratory system, home care and a new protagonist. It is Roberto Rigoli, the inventor of the home test. It will also be possible to track it in the future.
Rome. By dint of getting away with it, they have always found a new method. They were the first to practice screening (carpet swabs), they experimented with rapid tests (antigen, lancing device), they announced the news about the DIY testing revolution because “people want to know immediately if it is positive, so here this!” declared Luca zaia, “It’s easy. It works.” But how formidable these Venetians! There is a piece of country that sees in advance what the rest have seen later, there is a corner of Italy that has understood how risk – and it is always the secret thought of this president – is the “good price you pay for progress, but if you eliminate risk, progress remains. “
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