“A national closure is no longer feasible”


Red and orange zone, Boccia to the Regions:

A national blockade «today is no longer possible” second the Minister of the Regions Francesco Boccia during the hearing at the Chamber’s Committee on Regional Affairs.

The parameters used for the classification of Italy by zones “are the same in which the control room has worked since May until today and will continue to do so – said Francesco Boccia – They are indicators to guarantee the protection of the health of all of us, they are objective Yesterday there was an understandable request for a comparison of these indicators, but the comparison is done every week. If a scientific evaluation of the parameters comes out, that’s fine, but we cannot politicize the parameters. ”

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The differentiated approach, according to Boccia, «it is our strength, a differentiating approach of the measures according to territorial needs according to a principle of adequacy and proportionality, building roads that lead citizens and companies to make the least possible sacrifices. We continue on this path».

Last update: 11:32

