Published on: 11/18/2020 7:48 AM
“The dialogue with the regions is always open. The 21 parameters indicate the risk index together with the RT and determine what measures to implement in the territories ”. This is what the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, told Adnkronos Health, pointing out the epidemiological criteria that led to the risk ‘map’ of the Regions.
“The situation is serious and cannot be underestimated, we are facing a very important circulation of the virus, we see it due to the number of infections and with a little distancing of deaths, the last to increase,” Speranza’s guest later underlined. White paper. “The signals of the last days in terms of RT, the contagion index, have indicated a first element of countertrend, which fell to 1.4 – he added – But this is not enough, we must bring the RT below the threshold of 1 and thank you To this, little by little we will see a reduction in accesses in the emergency room, in the medical area and in intensive care. Deaths are the least of the elements that are affected by the change, the measures we are taking are essential. Without these it is impossible to turn the curve. “
The clarification of the Minister of Health after the Regions, considering “an urgent meeting with the government”, had advanced the need “to review, with a view to simplification, the parameters that were developed in the first phase of the pandemic, proceeding to an update of the guidelines for the use of rapid antigenic tests and the molecular biology test and the modification of the follow-up indicators for classification purposes “. For the Conference of the Regions, “we need to simplify the evaluation parameters and, in this phase of the epidemic that affects all the Regions, it is more opportune than ever for the Government and the Regions to make a greater collaborative effort, in addition to communicating correctly restrictive measures for citizens that must be assumed with a great and common sense of responsibility ”.
“Having more indicators is having a more complete picture, the Regions identify five of the 21 indicators that already exist and that we have been using since May: they have helped us to read the epidemic. The comparison with the Regions is always open, the controversies are incomprehensible, but 21 criteria give a more reliable image: today this is the model that we have and that has produced results, we must respect it, ”said Speranza.
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