
“I take full responsibility.” Giuseppe Conte understood that the disaster of what happened in Calabria, with 3 candidates Health Commissioner changed in 9 days and the room that will be found in the next few hours, it is not a “local” problem or only of the Ministry of Health Roberto Speranza. At stake is the image of the government, destroyed by this farce, and the possession of its own majority, given the political poisons related to Giuseppe Zuccatelli (chosen, is the accusation of many, for LeU as Hope) ea Gino Strada (which the 5-Star Movement has nominated in vain). The prime minister, Corriere della Sera explains, admits “mistakes” over the phone and hopes to find “the right person” as soon as possible. He repeats “I take full responsibility” five times, but then clarifies another detail, not marginal: “No crack has been opened for a simple reason. It was a trip shared with all ministers involvedEsperanza, therefore, but also the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri.

Conte overlooks the “very strong tensions” between P.S me M5: “I would not say … There is the correct concern and great regret for not having yet found the optimal solution for the Calabrian community.” Diplomatic words that do not hide the obvious shame for an almost amateur management of the matter. And before the refusal for personal reasons (“My wife does not want to go to Catanzaro”) of the former rector of Sapienza Eugenio Gaudio, maybe i’m right for once Luigi Di Maio: “First assignments are given, then names are made.” On Strada, on the other hand, Conte’s explanation is stuttering: “In the many talks these days he has never declared that he is interested in this profile and I have never proposed it to him, considering that he was not interested in moving to Calabria to fill the abyss . of the accounts “. So maybe there is a big problem with 5 stars.