Salud Calabria, Gaudio resigns as curator: “Personal reasons” | Strada: “Nobody made formal proposals to me”


When asked by Repubblica if he could lead Calabria’s health care, Gaudio replied: “I would have liked to try, it is a strong commitment, but I have always made myself available to the public service. I met resistance at home, and I bow down. to the minister in due time. ” “The choice is mine, I cannot be the Health Commissioner in Calabria. I do not retire. I continue to teach, a wonderful job. My two Medicine courses. And then I am a consultant to Minister Manfredi and I continue to direct the observatory of the faculties of postgraduate medicine ”, he concluded.

“The investigation in Catania? My post has been closed” – Given the news of his involvement in the investigation at the University of Catania, Gaudio explained: “The barbarism of politics always catches my attention. I give you news about it: the prosecutor in Catania has just notified my lawyer that he has gone to submit application for presentation for my alleged abuse of office. ”

Gaudio’s brother: “He hadn’t accepted the job” – “Yesterday my brother reserved the right to decide. Then he was given his appointment with certainty but in reality he did not accept.” To say it is Roberto Gaudio, brother of Eugenio, former rector of Sapienza, appointed commissioner of health of Calabria. “We had doubts – continued Roberto Gaudio – because for my brother it meant leaving his life in Rome and moving here in Calabria”.

Street: no one has ever made formal proposals – “I read in a news agency that I would not be available to be commissioned in Calabria. I reiterate -because obviously we still have to do it- that I have not received any formal proposal and that I will personally communicate my decisions through official channels if there is something of the real and concrete to communicate. ”Gino Strada writes it on Facebook.“ It seems to me that the situation is already difficult enough for the citizens of Calabria without also becoming grotesque, ”he adds.

Hope: “No conversation with Gaudio” – There were no conversations between the former rector of Sapienza Eugenio Gaudio and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. This is learned from ministerial sources.

Spirlì: “Enough, hope resigns” – “It is a moment of special shame. This health commissioner must end and above all, now Minister Speranza can truly resign.” This is the comment of the president of the Calabria region, Nino Spirlì, about Gaudio’s resignation from the role of health commissioner in Calabria. “I have met Speranza several times,” he added, “and she is a very nice person but she is showing a shameful inability to manage the so-called ‘Calabria operation.’ Harm.
