Under the chair of the Calabrian medical Superman there must be some kryptonite. After Saverio Cotticelli fell live on television (How: the Covid emergency is my turn?) And Giuseppe Zuccatelli made the video of the convict (Masks do not serve a …), the third jumped, the former rector de Sapienza (a little questioned) Eugenio Gaudio: My wife does not want to move to Catanzaro. Until from a cloud, with Civil Protection, Gino Strada emerged. ORa daring challenge, perhaps, for the Milanese doctor who founded Emergency. Struggling with a land no less complicated (and at risk) than Afghanistan.
But to understand how drenched the system is, we have to go back. And starting from an interception in which a few years ago the very powerful health satrap of Calabria, Domenico Crea, known as Mimmo, explained how the world (his world) is addressing a collaborator who aspired to be elected to the Regional Council : But when you have an idiot, what do you want to do? Do you get 10,000 euros as a director? What the heck are they? For him, the small change was compared to real money. Listen to what Mimmo tells you. And he explained that the friends he had around him, playing with health care, were all billionaires. The craziest billionaire of them … And I told you everything …
That boast said it all. For decades, in fact, that sector that absorbs 3,700 million of the 7 of the total regional budget, has been systematically looted with a perverse management that cries out for vengeance to God, until all the accounts exploded a dozen years ago. To the point that yesterday morning, in a hearing in the Chamber, Professor Ettore Jorio, professor at the University of Reggio and collaborator of the Sole 24 MineralHe recalled that he was the last person in charge of carrying out a survey on debts on December 31, 2008. When the balance sheet deficit was one thousand and 792 million euros. And now? I dont know …
Despite the incomprehensible and unprecedented 15 million euros probably made available to advisers They have never completed the required certification in nearly a decade, so much so that to date they have reported uncertain financial statements, at best, or have never adopted them. A spannometric calculation? It is not possible to answer, says Ettore Jorio: I think that if the Asp is only below one billion, as several complaints say, it is plausible that the Region is below two and a half. If not more. And the payment plan? Hi.
Not enough: delays in payments to providers by the regional health service companies, says the inter-ministerial monitoring of October, they have risen to more than 800 days. The risks, explained the prosecutor of Catanzaro Nicola Gratteri to Carlo Piano of The impressionThey are serious: when the credit crunch increases, the lenders get married. In such easy moments to take over from the banks, take over companies in crisis, invest drug money. After all, insists the magistrate in the essay Illegal oxygen written with Antonio Nicaso, the mafias have long had important public health resources in their hands. For example, the news published by the Financial times according to which some individuals, who could not be liquidated by the Calabrian public health companies, have sold their loans to foreign banks and companies. According to the British newspaper, the securities sold to international investors between 2015 and 2019 would be around one billion euros. In one case, commercial securities and bonds linked to companies suspected of having ties to the ‘Ndrangheta were allegedly bought by one of the largest private banks in Europe.
It is not just an economic problem. But even more sanitary, political, moral. An emergency that Italy (But Calabria! Too many leaders have closed the discussion for decades by spreading their arms as if giving every game to lose) has never really counted. The ‘Ndrangheta also puts doctors on the run. Eight primary positions in the Locri health unit cannot be filled due to the impossibility of finding teachers willing to participate in the commissions, Carlo Macr wrote in 1990. Thirty years have passed. And the entire region suffers from a lack of doctors, technicians, nurses … As before, worse than before. And every empty staff, every department abandoned to ruin, every machinery bought twenty years ago and still covered in cellophane ignites anger against the waste of the past. And today.
Starting from the Pizzo hospital, never opened after more than half a century of work, where the crazy people put the operating room elevators one meter from the wall (the operator would have to stand, then lie down on the gurney) and went to buy mountains of high-heeled medical sandals before hiring a single nurse. Or for the seven-hospital-seven of the plain of Gioia Tauro destined in the 90s to be suppressed to give life to a single great modern hospital. Result: today that of Taurianova, where the controversial Francesco Macr known as Don Ciccio Mazzetta (revered by clients for having created a wealthy generation of families often with double income and now with double pension) dominated, almost completely closed, that of Oppido Mamertina welcomes a score. old, the one from Rosarno (then brand new) a skeleton never opened, the one from Cittanova has a rehabilitation department, the one from Gioia Tauro (where they forgot about the heating and did the operating room without even hot water) has only two or three departments and Polistena, the only one that really attends many services and has 107 beds, reduced to the point that of the twelve scheduled anesthetists, only one is in service today. And the new hospital? Never seen.
A disaster. What weighs on the Calabrians, pushing them even more than once to seek treatment in the rest of Italy. Spending an absurd figure, 310 million euros. Obvious. Although there are formidable excellences here and there, isolated departments not inferior to those of South Tyrol, research centers with extraordinary young people, operating rooms where highly talented surgeons stand out, too many citizens have been gradually demoralized by the neglect of the local political class and by guilty remoteness, even if he had had some good will, from the national. And the pinwheel of health commissioners in recent days speaks volumes about how radical change is becoming more and more mandatory.
November 17, 2020 (change November 17, 2020 | 23:31)