224, but there are also eight deaths (2 in Termoli) and 99 infections


New Asrem swab collection center in the former Termoli hospital

New Asrem swab center in the former Termoli hospital © TermoliOnLine

CAMPOBASSO. Eight deaths recorded in Molise, an absolute record since the beginning of the pandemic. There are 99 infections, out of 862 swabs reported in the last 24 hours by Asrem.

Locations and positive cases: 1 Termoli, 1 Acquaviva d’Isernia, 1 Baranello, 28 Bojano, 14 Campobasso, 1 Campomarino, 3 Casalciprano, 1 Castellino del Biferno, 2 Cercemaggiore, 1 Colletorto, 1 Guglionesi, 6 Isernia, 1 Larino, 1 Macchiagodena, 1 Mirabello Sannitico, 2 Montaquila, 1 Montemitro, 1 Pescolanciano, 2 Petrella Tifernina, 8 Pietrabbondante, 5 Pietracatella, 1 Rotello, 1 San Martino in Pensilis, 1 San Massimo, 1 Santa Maria del Molise, 8 Sant’Agapito, 2 Sesto Campano, 2 Venafro, 1 Vinchiaturo.

Boom de curados, 224: they are distributed as follows in the territory: 10 Termoli, 5 Agnone, 1 Bagnoli del Trigno, 14 Bojano, 1 Busso, 29 Campobasso, 2 Campochiaro, 5 Campomarino, 2 Cantalupo del Sannio, 9 Carovilli, 6 Casacalenda, 1 Castelpetroso, 1 Cercepiccola, 3 Cerro al Volturno, 2 Colle d’Anchise, 27 Colletorto, 1 Colli a Volturno, 1 Conca Casale, 1 Forli del Sannio, 3 Fornelli, 1 Fossalto, 5 Guglionesi, 21 Isernia, 16 Larino, 1 Longano, 1 Macchia d’Isernia, 1 Macchiagodena, 1 Montaquila, 1 Montecilfone, 3 Montenero di Bisaccia, 5 Montenero Val Cocchiara, 2 Monteroduni, 1 Montorio nei Frentani, 1 Oratino, 3 Palata, 3 Petacciato, 8 Portocannone, 1 Pozzilli, 3 Riccia, 2 Ripalimosani, 1 San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, 1 San Martino in Pensilis, 2 Sant’Agapito, 1 Sant’Angelo Limosano, 2 Sessano del Molise, 1 Sesto Campano, 3 Spinete, 1 Toro, 1 Trivento, 1 Vastogirardi, 5 Venafro, 1 Vinchiaturo.

Even today 8 deaths from covid, 4 in the infectious diseases department of the “Cardarelli” hospital in Campobasso, these are 2 patients from Termoli, 1 patient from Isernia and 1 from Cantalupo nel Sannio.

2 deaths in the intensive care unit of the same hospital, 1 in Larino and 1 in Colletorto.

1 death in Bojano and 1 in the Oratino nursing home, which, however, occurred on November 11.

Since the start of the pandemic, 80 people have died.

There are 2 new admissions to the infectious diseases ward, 1 patient from Termoli and 1 from Larino.

Not discharged.

The Cardarelli hospital in “Campobasso”, the regional covid center, houses 65 patients. 58 in the infectious disease ward and 7 in the intensive care unit.

Currently the positive cases in the region are 2102.

The subjects isolated by Asrem fell from 2271 yesterday to 2218 today.

The conglomerates currently present in Molise of the most concern are those of 5 nursing homes and the Larino prison:

– Group from the “Maria Gargani” nursing home in Isernia, 47 infections

– Cluster of the “Samnium” nursing home in Vinchiaturo, 26 infections

– Accommodation in group homes for the elderly in Oratino, 12 infections

– Cluster of the “Serena Senectus” nursing home in Sessano del Molise, 18 infections

– Cluster of nursing homes “Rsa Samnium – Istituto Salubritas” of Montaquila, 24 infections

– Larino Penitentiary Group, 36 infections.

To date, the municipalities of Molise where there are still positive subjects are 109 out of 136 in the region, compared to 119 where at least one case of Covid-19 infection occurred during the health emergency.

291 cases of contagion in Isernia.

Campobasso with 287 still positive cases.

197 cases follow in Termoli.

103 cases in Bojano.

61 Larino

58 Venafro.

58 Castelpetroso.

52 Riccia

48 Vinchiaturo

46 Colletorto.

43 Montaquila.

38 Campomarino,

36 Sant’Agapito

28 Guglionesi,

27 Carovilli, Agnone, Petacciato

24 stoves,

22 Peaches

19 Sesto Campano, Monteroduni, Oratino.

18 Rotello, Baranello, San Martino in Pensilis

17 hills in Volturno, Portocannone.

16 Sessano del Molise, Civitanova del Sannio, Pescolanciano.

15 Macchia D’Isernia, Carpinone.

14 Roccasicura, Ferrazzano.

13 Cantalupo nel Sannio, Montenero di Bisaccia

12 Morrone del Sannio, Pietrabbondante, Cercemaggiore.

11 Pietracatella, Toro, Longano, Ripalimosani, Cerro al Volturno, Spinete

10 Santa Maria del Molise, Pettoranello del Molise, San Polo Matese, Busso.

9 Montecilfone, Forli del Sannio.

8 Mirabello Sannitico, Frosolone, Gambatesa, Casalciprano, Casacalenda.

7 Lucito, Miranda, San Giuliano di Puglia.

6 Rionero Sannitico, Sant’Elia a Pianisi, Macchiagodena, Castropignano.

5 in Poggio Sannita, Pozzilli, Palata, Santa Croce di Magliano, Campodipietra.

4 Matrice, Colle D’Anchise, Petrella Tifernina, Montenero Val Cocchiara, Guardialfiera, Capracotta, Rocchetta al Volturno.

3 at Castel del Giudice, Trivento, Vastogirardi, San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, Duronia, Gildone, Montorio nei Frentani, Roccamandolfi, San Giuliano del Sannio, Sant’Elena Sannita.

2 Jelsi, Salcito, Bonefro, Campochiaro, Fossalto, Scapoli, Cercepiccola, Mafalda, Roccavivara, San Pietro Avellana, Castellino del Biferno, San Massimo, Sepino, Acquaviva d’Isernia, Castel San Vincenzo, Ururi.

1 case in Castelmauro, Conca Casale, Castelpizzuto, Macchia Valfortore, Montagano, Belmonte del Sannio, San Felice del Molise, Pietracupa, Montemitro.

14 outside the region: 1 Pagani (Sa), 1 Roma, 1 Gallo Matese (Ce), 2 Celenza Val Fortore (Fg), 1 Poggio Imperiale (Fg), 2 San Marco la Catola (Fg), 1 Pecetto Torinese, 1 Limena (Pd), 2 Calvi Risorta (Ce), 1 Island of Capo Rizzuto (Kr), 1 Coseano (Ud), 1 Monteleone di Puglia (Fg).

These are the data from the Official Gazette of Asrem The proportion of Covid-19 positives increases to 3366 cases compared to 73,076 swabs processed, of which 5101 control swabs processed throughout the period.

The situation of covid-19 patients and those admitted to hospitals and accredited private facilities is as follows:

– 3,366 complete cases in the Region, 2,092 positive cases of Covid-19 in the province of Campobasso, 1231 in the province of Isernia and 43 with patients from outside the region.

– 65 patients in the “Cardarelli” center of Campobasso Covid-19 in the Region: 58 in the department of infectious diseases, 33 in the province of Campobasso, 17 in the province of Isernia, 8 outside the region.

7 in the intensive care unit: 2 in the province of Campobasso and 5 in the province of Isernia.

– 0 positive patients in accredited private health establishments.

– 1999 were asymptomatic positive subjects at home, 1152 in the province of Campobasso, 846 in the province of Isernia and 1 in other regions.

– 3 asymptomatic patients in the Portocannone nursing home

– 35 asymptomatic patients discharged. 17 from the province of Campobasso and 11 from the province of Isernia, 7 from outside the region. It’s about people recovering.

– 1,184 the number of certified recovered patients, 839 in the Campobasso province, 324 in the Isernia province and 21 in other regions.

These are patients who, when the symptoms disappear or after the necessary days provided for by the Ministry of Health protocol, have performed the control swab and have tested negative for Covid-19.

– 80 people have died since the beginning of the emergency, 46 from Campobasso province, 28 from Isernia province and 6 from another region.

– 1840 home visits made by the USCA (Special Continuity Care Units).

577 USCA of Bojano among those positive in home isolation in the province of Campobasso.

433 USCA of Larino in the positives in isolation in the Lower Molise area.

478 USCA of Venafro among the positives in home isolation in the province of Isernia.

There are 2,218 people in isolation and 0 subjects under surveillance throughout the region, these are asymptomatic people who have not yet been tested for Covid-19 but who have been in contact with people who have tested positive.

According to the contagion map provided by Asrem, the cases are located in 120 municipalities of the 136 of the Molise Region, the registered residence of the infected subjects and the guests who have positive results in the Agnone nursing home are also taken into account are attributed to the municipality of residence:

623 Campobasso.

384 Isernia.

296 Termoli.

144 Bojano.

122 Castelpetroso.

105 Larino.

78 Venafro.

77 Coletorto

67 Riccia.

60 Campomarino.

58 Vinchiaturo.

53 Montaquila

42 Montenero di Bisaccia, Sant’Agapito.

41 Cercemaggiore, Agnone

40 Carovilli

39 Portocannone, Guglionesi.

31 peaches.

30 Baranello.

29 Petacciato, Ferrazzano.

28 Oratino, Kitchens.

26 San Martino in Pensilis.

24 Sesto Campano

25 Macchia d’Isernia and Monteroduni

21 Ripalimosani

20 Toro y Colli al Volturno.

19 Rotello, Sessano del Molise, Forli del Sannio and Casacalenda.

18 Cerro al Volturno.

17 Civitanova del Sannio, Belmonte del Sannio, Cantalupo nel Sannio, Pescolanciano.

16 Carpinone.

14 Roccasicura, Mirabello Sannitico, Spinete.

13 Longano, Gambatesa, Morrone del Sannio, Pietrabbondante, Busso

12 Colle D’Anchise, Pozzilli, San Polo Matese, Macchiagodena.

11 Sant’Elia a Pianisi, Poggio Sannita, Pietracatella.

10 Pettoranello del Molise, Santa Maria del Molise, Campochiaro, Santa Croce di Magliano.

9 Palata, Montenero Val Cocchiara, Casalciprano.

8 Frosolone, Miranda, Castropignano, Lucito, Montecilfone.

7 Campodipietra, San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, San Giuliano di Puglia.

6 Campolieto, Petrella Tifernina, Jelsi, Capracotta, Rionero Sannitico, Roccamandolfi, Filignano.

5 Ururi, Rocchetta to Volturno, Guardialfiera.

4 Montagano, Montorio nei Frentani, San Giuliano del Sannio, San Massimo, Vastogirardi, Matrice, Bonefro, Sant’Elena Sannita, Trivento.

3 infections in Duronia, Castel del Giudice, Castellino del Biferno, Cercepiccola, Gildone, Fossalto, Acquaviva d’Isernia, Scapoli.

With 2 cases the municipalities of Salcito, Conca Casale, Bagnoli del Trigno, San Giovanni in Galdo *, Macchia Val Fortore, Castel San Vincenzo, Mafalda, San Pietro Avellana, Roccavivara, Sepino.

1 case instead for Guardiaregia, Monacilioni, Tavenna, Ripabottoni, Montefalcone nel Sannio, Chiauci, Castelmauro, Castelpizzuto, Sant’Angelo Limosano, Spinete, San Felice del Molise, Pietracupa, Montemitro.

* One of the cases would not have been confirmed by the second swab.
