Covid divides us, let’s rethink the future of Italy together


Mattarella all'Anci: Covid divides us, let's rethink the future of Italy together

It is a new call for unity and responsibility launched by the Head of State Sergio Mattarella in your message to Common. Because criticism is welcome but not “Controversial controversy”, “in the search for illusory partisan advantages”, said the President of the Republic in the assembly of theAnci. “The pandemic – he recalled – tends to divide us and challenges us to rethink what we want to be, let’s redesign Italy together.”

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“We must make use of our sense of responsibility, to create convergence and collaboration between the forces that we have at our disposal so that they operate in the same direction – he emphasized – Even with critical observations, always useful, but without dispersing them in displaced polemics or in the search for illusory advantages. partial, in the face of an insidious enemy that can overwhelm everyone. Freedom runs the risk of weakening when the degree of cohesion and unity between the parties is reduced. This is the primary responsibility of democratic institutions, at all levels, and this is the lesson that the pandemic harshly reiterates.

“The virus tends to divide us, pluralism multiplies positive energies”

“This virus is still partly unknown, but, among other things, we realize that it tends to divide us. Among age groups more or less exposed to the most serious risks, between social categories more or less affected by economic consequences, among the same institutions called upon to make the necessary decisions, sometimes unpopular, to reduce contagion and guarantee the necessary assistance He needs them. Pluralism and the articulation of republican institutions are and must be multipliers of positive energies, but this disappears if, in the emergency, we divide ourselves ».


No one is fooled by the thought ‘it will not happen to me’: this way of thinking has broken with countless cases of disappointment, of people who thought so and were hit by the coronavirus. Unfortunately, we have mourned, and still owe, the death of so many people; of all ages, even among the young. And we must not forget it, out of respect for them, ”the Head of State later warned. “On this occasion, therefore, I would like to address – this time through the mayors – a new appeal to our fellow citizens so that we all realize the seriousness of the danger of contagion; that is affecting all of humanity, everywhere, making life difficult and blocking the normality of life in most countries on all continents ”.

«Municipalities do not hesitate to make the necessary decisions»

“These days the municipalities can resort to the union power of ordinance providing provisions more precisely linked to the conditions of their territory than the national or regional ones. Health is a fundamental right. The duty to protect you requires that you do not hesitate to make the necessary decisions. It is precisely from this need that a closer link is needed between the levels of government committed to coping with the emergency; so as not to compromise the global coherence of the actions and strategies implemented. “This was stated by President Sergio Mattarella at the Anci assembly.

“The difficulties have led to misunderstandings that have sometimes made relations between different levels of government difficult. The principle of loyal institutional collaboration, which the Municipalities know and practice, from the ANCI itself, continues to be the guideline on which to constantly rebuild the effective lines to overcome the current crisis, avoiding the temptation to leave the responsibility of others to others. the most important decisions. difficult. Cooperation and accountability are appreciated by citizens and build trust, because everyone knows that a party like this can only be won together and no one can claim to be right alone.

“Protagonists of change, not succubi”

«The pandemic has changed the rhythms of our lives, it has affected times and workplaces and with them the use of spaces and infrastructures, designed and built for other needs. It is up to the Republic to know how to read the signs of changes, and to know how to trace the paths so that the objectives of freedom, justice, and social cohesion, entrusted to us by the Constitution, find application in the new times. We must be protagonists of change, and not succubi, “said Sergio Mattarella.

“We are facing – he reiterated – a serious epidemic. But we also have a historic challenge ahead of us and the opportunity to rethink what we want to be. We are all called to the task of redesigning Italy, without exception. The municipalities of this company represent an essential engine ”. The pandemic, said the Head of State, “is accustoming us to new ways of working and producing, which question the model of urban densities as we know them. It is about the high concentration of human, intellectual and economic resources in relatively small spaces, to move to a residential reorganization on different bases that may affect other territories. The supply of public and private services also changes with the change in demand. Our inhabited centers are actually living beings: over time they grow, they expand, they shrink; its own prevailing vocation is modified. From what is happening we can get the momentum for a relaunch and improvement of our social model. The municipalities, Mattarella highlights, “are the frontier of this challenge that affects the entire country. New economies, new modes of production and distribution, the network of services to citizens can be rethought to respond to new social needs, avoiding diseconomies that we inherited from previous models.

“Innovation involves, and will involve more and more, even the large centers, the metropolises that are at the hubs of the main networks. The quality of life, the air we breathe, the work we do our own, the time we release will increasingly affect the same rates of development. As is already the case with health protection, which requires the strengthening of local medicine, support for research, the growth of a culture of prevention and healthier lifestyles ”.

“EU up to the challenge”

“The European Union assumes important responsibilities in this historical transition and finally shows itself, as in other moments of crisis on the continent, at the height of its mission. The Recovery Plan will mark the next few years. Municipalities will have to be an important part of this restart that can give opportunities back to the younger generations that were in danger of failing, ”he added.

“We are facing a serious epidemic. But we also have a historic challenge ahead of us and the opportunity to rethink what we want to be. We are all called to the task of redesigning Italy, without exception. The municipalities of this company represent an essential engine ”.

Last updated: 18:45

