Monza collapsed, patients trapped in the ER: “But let’s send nurses to the Fair”


Monza, November 16, 2020 – “It’s a mess here, the situation is still very critical. The emergency room has now been turned into a Covid room. Between the San Gerardo and Desio hospital we have about 370 doctors and nurses at home due to Covid, but personnel were still sent to the Fiera de Milano ”. Donato Cosi, Secretary of the Monza and Brianza Nursing, is concerned about the maintenance of the hospitals that refer to the Asst de Monza.

To the hospital at the fair on paper they asked us Guarantee coverage of 16 beds by assigning 3 nurses and 1 doctor to each patient. taking them from Monza, Desio and Vimercate – continues Cosi -. So far they have been from Asst in Monza already sent 18, another dozen Vimercate. And they are all intensive care professionals who are then very difficult to replace in terms of competence and experience ”.

Today, according to the union, the nurse-patient relationship it is getting worse: a health worker has to follow 10 patients with the ‘C-pap helmet’, in intensive care we have gone from a nurse for two patients to a ratio of one to three. And the substitutes hired directly from the hospital have an average age of at least 50 years, with extensive experience, but inadequate to work in an emergency like this. “

The result, in the room, is that “we don’t have enough men for the beds. The staff there are already working miracles. It would be impossible and unthinkable to open other beds ”. Last night, a Sunday when 1,140 new positives were registered in Brianza in 24 hours, between San Gerardo and Desio they were hospitalized 500 patients included 47 in intensive care. But the “dramatic situation”, which gives the measure of the conditions in front of the health emergency, is that 44 people are trapped in the emergency room because there are not enough doctors and nurses in the wards to add beds.

Even if the Assistant I would like to point out that “There is no paradox in the management of the Fiera de San Gerardo hospital module for two reasons. The first is that the module managed by us also includes the participation of resources from the Asst de Vimercate and two accredited private structures. The second is that at the time of the 12 patients treated at the fair, 11 are patients from San Gerardo, precisely to take into account the complex situation of our hospital. The logic is to activate one common handling involving teams from both central hospitals, which are currently under the greatest pressure, and non-central hospitals, in order to manage patients in a specially dedicated and equipped facility ”.
