Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, is hospitalized in emergency medicine for Covid at the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Perugia.
“Thank you for all your prayers, but please always pray for all who suffer.” Thus writes Cardinal Bassetti.
The health conditions of Cardinal Bassetti, president of the CEI, improve. In a message sent by the hospital, your thanks.
Bassetti and the message to his doctors
the Cardinal Bassetti, despite still being hospitalized in Perugia hospital, he writes a message to all those who continue to pray for him and for all Covid patients and beyond. The cardinal has been hospitalized for several days in Perugia hospital and his health is slowly improving.
“I thank you all for being close to me”
“I want to thank the Lord for being with me, with His mercy, in this time of trial. I express my gratitude to all the health personnel who are taking care of me and the sick. I thank those close to me with prayer. and affection. I ask constant prayer for those who suffer and live situations of fatigue”- writes Cardinal Bassetti.
An invitation to prayer but also to your full trust in Mary: “I recommend that everyone continue to pray for those who suffer and experience situations of fatigue. I entrust all to the Mother of God, Mary, to intercede for their children”- he concludes.
Bassetti and the saints he is dedicated to
Several times, including in his previous messages, Bassetti asked to pray both for his recovery and for the healing of all Covid patients and beyond: “I ask you to pray with me to three saints and blessed to whom I feel especially attached: Carlo Acutis, the doctor “Good Samaritan” Vittorio Trancanelli and the seminarian of the smile Giampiero Morettini“Three people with a scent of holiness, loved by Bassetti but also by many faithful.
“I entrust everyone to Maria”
His dedication to Mary, full and constant, almost like a child seeking refuge because he is afraid in the arms of his mother. Every sick person asks for and seeks refuge in Mary, as Cardinal Bassetti also did.
Let us also pray for all the sick, using the word that Pope Francis repeated in a phone call to Cardinal Bassetti: “Come on come on come on”.