Huffpost Italy
On the Regions and Government registry, after a hectic two weeks discussing red zones and ordinances, keywords are slowly changing and we will have to gradually get used to words like “plateau” and “de-escalated” breaking into the public debate. and politics. A necessary premise must be made: the situation is serious and will continue to be so for weeks, if not months. But more and more in the government the conviction is maturing that the tools adopted are the valid ones, that they are capable of balancing the reasons of the economy with those of containing the virus. Therefore, we will have to get used to the comings and goings of the Regions between yellow, orange and red areas for a while.
It is precisely the first territories that fell in the most critical range that are now pushing to rise again. In particular, Lombardy and Piedmont are sending signals of intolerance to Rome. Attilio Fontana and Alberto Cirio start from a fact: according to the latest indicators, their regions, to date, would already be within the limits of the orange zone. This figure is confirmed by the last control room that weekly puts the indicators and the RT in a system, and that already last week began a reflection on the two Northern Regions.
November 19 is the date to be marked in red, because it coincides with the end of the two weeks established by the last dpcm as the minimum period of permanence in a risk range before being able to descend from it. The government, which fears a course of Matteo Salvini in the pressures that are accumulating in these days on Rome, pulls the handbrake. “Yes, it is true that at the end of two weeks we could go back – explains a source from Health – but we must weigh the figures carefully and avoid making false moves.” A first step in the exclusion is not completely excluded, but the concern is related on the one hand with the fear of dispersing the timid advances of the last days, and on the other hand of giving a wrong message just when the Public opinion has begun to absorb the idea of irregular restrictions. In the Viminale, for example, they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the demonstrations in the square broke out with the proclamation of the red zone were resolved in a civilized way and with a few hundred people took to the streets.
The Ministry of Health would like to wait at least fourteen days of positive trend before giving the go-ahead, as long as Italy lives and a part of the 5-Star Movement insist: we must tighten when necessary, but also loosen where there is possibility. “Are these mechanisms automatic or discretionary?” A Renz executive comments harshly. Speranza explains that it is true, on the one hand, that there are signs to think that the flattening of the curve, the infamous plateau, is coming, but it is too early to proceed with a de-escalation. Even if infections have slowed down the so-called doubling times, they continue to rise steadily and slightly, and the positivity rate of swabs performed continues to fluctuate too much to let our guard down.
Sicily, currently in the orange zone, could also have the characteristics to return to the yellow zone, but the answer that comes is the same: it is too early. And it comes in the hours in which Abruzzo, with an order from President Marco Marsilio, moves autonomously to the red zone, while Puglia asks for similar measures, a confirmation for Palazzo Chigi that the climate of dispute that has crossed the country is waning. . Too early for de-escalation to be discussed again in December or later.