by Mattia Zàccaro Garau
In the United States of America there is not only the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. There are a myriad of more or less relevant parties that dot the political landscape. However, no one becomes the center of attention in the European media. Wanting to limit himself only to those who manage to compete in all 50 states, presenting a candidate for president and vice president, the Libertarian Party and the Green Party. Which, in principle, represent the two radical visions right and left.
The former has an ideology of rigid fiscal conservatism (zero public spending) and extreme economic liberalism (total let go), which fits perfectly with the world view of the Stars and Stripes. The second focuses entirely on ecosocialism andanti-capitalism, which instead clashes deeply with what has made the United States a world power.
The historic low consensus of both parties symbolizes the low affection of the United States for what, at least in domestic affairs, is radical. How far does the omnipresent go and abandon? centrism – Serious illness in politics in general, but especially in times of crisis.
However, in the last twenty years, the greatest role played by the two parties has been to revelation. In 2000 I It gave removed the necessary votes a Al Gore overcome George W. Bush (almost 3 million), while in 2020 the Libertarians stole the votes a Donald trump in the decisive states to beat Joe biden (almost 2 million).
But this is only a partial analysis, all numerical, that responds to reality only half. The above applies much more to i Libertarian that for me Green. In fact, the party led by Jo jorgensen he responds to requests similar to those of the Republican Party, only maniacally insisting on individualism. And it is likely that this political formation could erode the consensus of the representatives.
On the contrary, the party that presented the green activist as a candidate for the White House Howie hawkins is based on a total renovation of the American system. This integral regeneration of society, on the other hand, is not at all in the DEM program and, therefore, it seems difficult that the blue electorate is the well from which the greens can collect votes.
Be part of Global greens, the international network of green parties whose pillars are participatory democracy, non-violence, sustainable growth, respect for biodiversity and obviously ecology, the American green party promotes that anti-capitalist movement so beloved by Naomi klein. A revolution that, assuming a reversal of individual lifestyles, a resignation and sacrifices (to put it in the style of Alexander Langer), struggles to take root. Or, at least, make the necessary transition to any policy, from utopia to the project.
In this perspective, the collapse of the consensus of Green Party it’s even more worrying. In the election that just took place, only 350,000 Americans (0.2% of voters) elected a green president for the White House. Only 100,000 more than 250,000 subscribers. It means that on the personal scale of values of Americansecology it still represents one of the lower echelons. However, without reversing the axiological pyramid, it will be difficult to stop the imminent climate catastrophe.
And so without the attraction of a green party with a large number, even the prospect of a green new deal, already officially denied by Biden during the election campaign (“It’s not my plan”), Goes even further. The United States will rejoin the agreements Paris on the climate, but abandoning the typical triumphalism of the day after the elections: it is clear to all that this cannot be enough. That a facade maneuver, this time, may not be enough.
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