Although Piedmont is in the “red zone”, as of tomorrow, Tuesday, November 17, 2020, citizens will also have to face the entry into force of the measures to improve air quality provided for by the Po Basin Agreement .
The concentration of fine particles in the air, in fact, has exceeded 50 micrograms per cubic meter, staying above this threshold for more than four consecutive days.
And so the “orange” level is activated, which will be in force at least until Thursday, November 19, 2020, including in the following Municipalities: Turin, Beinasco, Borgaro, Collegno, Grugliasco, Moncalieri, Nichelino, Orbassano, Rivoli, San Mauro, Settimo, Venaria, Caselle, Chivasso, Leini, Mappano, Pianezza, Volpiano and Chieri. And, outside the province, in Alessandria, Casale, Novi Ligure, Tortona, Asti, Novara, Trecate, Vercelli.
As of tomorrow, Tuesday, November 17, for the transport of people to the permanent restrictions already in force, the blocks are added in diesel vehicles up to Euro 5 and in gasoline vehicles up to Euro 1, from 8 to 19.
For the transport of goods (categories N1, N2, N3), on the other hand, there is a ban on the circulation of diesel vehicles with Euro 3 and Euro 4 approval, from 8 to 19 (holidays from 8.30 to 14 and from 16 to 19) .
The permanent limitations in force are as follows: Euro 0 class vehicles (all fuel systems: gasoline, diesel, methane, LPG) for the transport of people or goods are stopped all day throughout the year (including holidays) . For diesel engines, this ban is extended to Euro 1 and Euro 2.
Until March 31, 2021, the circulation of Euro 0 mopeds and motorcycles and Euro 3 diesel vehicles is also prohibited for the transport of people or goods, from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Next Thursday the new survey by Arpa Piemonte on the daily concentration of pm10 in the air will tell us whether the orange block will continue or can be revoked.
Covid Emergency: who can circulate
The ordinances limiting vehicle traffic provide for a series of exemptions for health and assistance personnel involved in the management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid 19.
Doctors, nurses, social and health workers, health workers (including volunteers who work for organizations or associations that provide care services), but also patients and their caregivers who come to health centers for therapy, Interventions or diagnostic tests are exempt from the limitations of circulation in the movements necessary for their activity.
Also included in this list are all means of emergency services and vehicles used for the supply of medicines and for the transport of meals.
Finally, the vehicles of those in charge of funeral services and those used to transport people who participate in funeral acts are exempt.