
Milan, November 17, 2020 – Waiting for the Christmas Dpcm which, if the situation allows, should lead to a general in early December relaxation of restrictive measures in the national territory, some news in this regard could arrive in the next few hours about the Lombardy.
In fact, today the State-Regions Conference and according to some indiscretions leaked from Palazzo Chigi, Lombardy could pass from red zone to orange zone. Or at least part of it. The situation in the most populous region of Italy In fact, it is anything but uniform, with areas like Milan, Monza and Varese put to the test by second wave of Covid and others that have less worrying figures. Bergamo and Brescia in particular, under pressure from local politics and productive categories, they were able to see a relaxation of the measures contained in thelast Dpcm. A possibility provided by the decree, that of acting in individual provinceseven more so in a region of vast dimensions.
As for a possible passage of all lombardy from red zone to orange zone, despite the improvements of the last few days, this can hardly happen sooner November 27, that’s after two weeks of “lower risk” from the effective date of the Dpcm. In this the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, does not seem willing to grant exceptions. A line marked by caution that finds doctors and experts in agreement and, therefore, renews the “clash” between the economic world that pushes the reopening and the scientific world that invites us not to underestimate the situation.
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