No real pressure on intensive care. Word of Domenico Arcuri. “In Germany in March there were 30,000 intensive care places, six times more than in Italy, where there were 5,000; At the peak we had about 7,000 intensive care patients in our country, two thousand more than the total capacity of the wards. Today we have about 10,000 intensive care places and we will reach 11,300 in the next month. There are currently around 3,300 hospitalized in intensive care (by Covid, ed), so the pressure on these wards is not there, ”said the commissioner. to the emergence of Covid at the conference “Finance and the national system one year later”.
And he continues: “During the peak we had about 7,000 intensive care patients in our country, two thousand more than the total capacity of the wards. Today we have about 10,000 intensive care posts and we will reach 11,300 in the next month. Currently there are about 3,300. hospitalized for Covid in intensive care so that there is no pressure on these rooms, “he said.
Coronavirus, Arcuri: “The vaccine will arrive, but not immediately and not for everyone”

“In the last 10 days my offices have distributed 10% of the ICU equipment equal to what has been distributed in the last 60 years,” added Arcuri, complaining that in the past “the health system was not considered a factor”. competitive”.
“Covid, situation out of control in hospitals”: doctors and nurses immediately call for closure

Even on the oxygen front, the situation appears to be under control.
Lazio coronavirus, oxygen cylinders: requests tripled. The call: “No to DIY actions”
by Carlo Picozza

“Although the emergency linked to the Sars-Cov-2 virus has caused a significant increase in oxygen demand, currently there is no risk of a shortage of the drug.” The Italian drug agency (Aifa), Assogastecnici and Federfarma underline this.