Covid, in Umbria there is an unused hospital


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«If we don’t fix it now, we won’t fix it anymore …“In a phrase in dialect stolen by the videographer from the mayor of Gualdo Tadino, Massimiliano Presciutti, the position of the municipal administration with respect to the old hospital in Calai, in front of which unions, citizens and also representatives of the municipal administration met. to ask the Region why, with two field hospitals already installed, in Perugia already in operation (the first discharge on Tuesday), in Terni just finished, and with a third in preparation in a still secret place (the final destination is contained in the safeguard plan), he did not imagine using at least in part an operational structure until just over 10 years ago, which for some time has been trying to recover at least as Rsa.

Public facility to be returned to the public

“That is a public structure owned by ASL – adds Presciutti to – Now more than ever it is necessary to act to face the emergency but also and above all to plan the post emergency immediately. I immediately expressed to the new regional council my willingness to reason openly and transparently without barriers or preconceived attitudes. Today we must also respond to the new needs raised by Covid, that is why we must build a health house in that area that strengthens the medicine of the territory and aims decisively at rehabilitation. According to what we learned from our writing, on Tuesday the mayor of Gualdo Tadino will send a formal request to that effect to Palazzo Donini and the Local Health Authority.

An opportunity not to be missed

“When it comes to health, I certainly do not make it a question of political affiliation – adds Presciutti – I hope there is the same spirit on the part of everyone. The Region is committed to immediately invest the necessary resources in Calai, which is a public heritage, in order to improve and innovate public health close to citizens. The extraordinary commissioner of June officially asked the regional council to be able to proceed with the recovery of the structure using the 2.5 million reserved for the first part of the intervention. But to date, sadly, he has not received a reply. But there is no more time to lose, we have to act now. If not now, when? “And here comes the consideration off the records: «If we don’t fix it now, we won’t fix it anymore …».

Emergency beds since December

The Calai hospital was decommissioned, along with the Gubbio hospital, when the Branca hospital was built. But for years there has been talk of her recovery as a nursing home. After 12 years, experts say, a full recovery of the entire area will require at least 5 million euros. But in the meantime – ask the citizens, represented by the mayor, and also the workers themselves, represented by the unions – we can recover the best part, in an acceptable time and cost; considering that Covid will certainly not disappear in a few weeks and that, according to the Higher Institute of Health, Umbria could be in trouble as early as December, with regard to beds.

Unions: “Many Words, Few Deeds”

«12 years have passed since the closure of the old Calai hospital in Gualdo Tadino and we still have no steps forward, many commitments, many turns of words on various topics and no results. Enough is enough, given the current emergency, we can no longer wait. This is the message that the CGIL, CISL and UIL, together with the unions of pensioners, launched this morning during the organized garrison in front of the old hospital in Gualdese, a large public property without use and abandoned for years for which the unions ask Reuse it as Casa della Salute.


It can be useful to decongest hospitals

“The project for the construction of two Health Homes in Gubbio and Gualdo Tadino was part of the new territorial health system – said the unions – which cannot be based only on the Branca hospital, but needs territorial structures that guarantee various services. for citizens, to have qualified and fast responses and to decongest the hospital, which is already struggling, especially at this stage, with the acute emergency.

Bring services closer to citizens (and limit travel)

From this point of view, the plan to use the old structure of Calai to “bring basic services closer to citizens” is the most appropriate according to the unions, because it would guarantee greater accessibility and, therefore, better prevention and protection Health. According to Cgil, Cisl and Uil, the same recovery of a prestigious property so characteristic of the city of Gualdo Tadino would allow a “regeneration and redevelopment” of the areas involved and a “greater attractiveness for service and production activities.”
For the unions, which during the presidium also met with the mayor of Gualdo Tadino, Massimilano Presciutti, receiving full support for the initiative, it is necessary that “the commitments assumed with the local communities, which in a clairvoyant way, not without resistance, shared the birth of the Branca hospital, discarding those of the city, that they remain and that we proceed quickly.

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