Covid, the curve slows down: the possible peak in ten days


Despite the high number of daily Covid-19 infections, experts are beginning to see a slowdown, with a possible peak in ten days.

With 3,422 Covid patients in intensive care, the peak of 4,068 will soon be reached of hospitalizations in intensive care on April 3, in the middle of the pandemic, the number that frightened the most. The following day, as Il Messaggero recalls, 29,010 people were hospitalized in the medical area, the peak of the first wave. But today there are 32,047 patients.

However, CTS experts who analyze the curve data today begin to talk about stabilization, as confirmed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza: “If we stabilize at these levels again next weekWe have good reason to believe that we have reached the so-called plateau ”.

A tepid optimism is beginning to creep in among scientists that the peak, beyond which the contagion curve may begin to decline, may occur between seven to ten days And to say that it is still Speranza according to which, due to the data it has, next week will be decisive to understand if the measures applied will be fulfilled or not.

The figures that Speranza takes into account are those compiled and processed by the CTS of which Franco Locatelli is a prominent member: “The updated infectivity index has dropped significantly in the country, from 1.7 to just over 1.4. If yesterday’s figures are compared with those of the previous Friday, we have more or less 2,500 infected less“Said Locatelli guest of the program” Half an hour more. “

The number of hospitalizations has been reduced by more than half and the number of hospitalizations in intensive care units has also been reduced by 50%. We are beginning to see all the effects of the measures that have been taken, “added the president of the Higher Health Council.

So even if the pressure on hospitals and intensive care admissions remains constant, the contagion curve no longer has the exponential growth that it resumed immediately after the summer.

The “crack” that Locatelli speaks of, despite the still high numbers, derives from the differences with the first wave: hospitals are better prepared, beds have been increased and sick people are no longer concentrated only in some provinces.

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