Coronavirus, 21 days without symptoms: what happens after quarantine


The duration and term of theCovid-19 isolation and quarantine they have undergone changes compared to the first months of the epidemic and it is the Ministry of Health itself that clarifies the doubts.

Covid, asymptomatic positive even after quarantine: what to do

The officials of the dicastery first made clear the distinction between the different conditions in which contact with the coronavirus is made, starting with the definition of the period:

  • l ‘isolation of the cases of documented Sars-CoV-2 infection refer to the separation of infected people from the rest of the community during the contagious period, in an environment and conditions that prevent the transmission of infection.
  • The quarantineInstead, it refers to the restriction of the movement of healthy people during the incubation period, but who may have been exposed to an infectious agent or a contagious disease, with the aim of monitoring the possible appearance of symptoms and identifying timely new cases. .

Doubts about the length of the quarantine period related in particular to asymptomatic cases who stay positive even after the standard 10-day interval set by ISS experts.

According to the Ministry of Health, those who in the absence of symptoms still cannot become negative afterwards 21 days the quarantine will still be over.

The basic protocol provides, in fact, 10 days of quarantine at the end of which you undergo a molecular smear. If the result is positive, the subject must remain in quarantine for one more week and repeat the test.

If you have not yet been negative, you will have to stay another 4 days at home and repeat the swab. But even if the latter were positive, the asymptomatic patient can still leave home etadorn everyday life.

A criterion that is subject to the evaluation of the health authorities in accordance with clinical experts and microbiologists / virologists and taking into account the immunological status of the affected people.

Covid, icpositive symptomatic assistance

Thus, symptomatic people who have tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 must respect the same provisions to return to the community after the isolation period of at least 10 days, with the difference that the molecular swab must be preceded at least 3 days without symptoms.

COVID-19, close contact of asymptomatic with established case

It speaks slightly differently for asymptomatic patients who have been in close contact with confirmed cases of Sars-CoV-2 infection. In this situation, the subject must actually observe:

  • a quarantine period of 14 days since the last exposure to the case; or
  • a quarantine period of 10 days since the last exposure with a negative antigen or molecular test performed on the tenth day.
