
Since Tuesday Abruzzo could be practically locked in, with the establishment of a ‘red zone’ throughout the region: the decision was made during the meeting of the regional technical-scientific committee, chaired by Alberto Albani, which was held this afternoon. Therefore, schools of all types and levels and shops are beginning to close, except those that provide basic services. The governor, Marco Marsilio, will sign the measures tomorrow. Today he learned about the assessments of the CTS and then he wanted to meet informally with the councilors to inform them of the evolution of the situation. The details and duration of the measures to be taken are still under discussion. Possible restrictions also on personal movements, in order to avoid meetings even in the open air. It is a post by the vice president of the council, Emanuele Imprudente, who effectively anticipated the news: “Sometimes you have to do what you don’t want to do, because it is correct and appropriate. No one can escape responsibility, these are not times to play political and propaganda games, but times to take a position and anticipate elections. Abruzzo must be a red zone with closed schools. The meeting had been anticipated by the request of the mayor of L’Aquila, Pierluigi Biondi, to establish a ‘red zone’, “but only on the condition that refreshments are provided for production activities forced to close and help families whose children must continue distance learning, even temporarily, following the closure provisions reported by the schools and evaluated by the Department of Prevention.

Meanwhile, the president of the Basilicata Region, Vito Bardi, who for days has been evaluating and debating with the social partners the hypothesis of the closure of schools to contain the epidemic, has signed a new ordinance that will come into force from Tuesday 17 November and until December 2 and that provides for the temporary closure of all schools at all levels in the region. Regional sources report it.
In general, the map of Italy divided into three colors disappointed everyone a bit. Above all, the governors, the day the measures come into force after the ‘repainting’ given to the boot map. “When I received the news of the red zone, it made me bitter, it was a surprise, Tuscany had this decision for the data from November 1 to 8, but in the following days the data tended to stabilize”, Eugenio Giani, president, reiterates. of ‘red’ Tuscany. Same color for Campania, with Vincenzo De Luca not laying down his arms. On the contrary, he increases the dose and speaks of “late partial measures that only produce division and confusion.”

Chancellor Luigi Di Maio’s response is very close: «The interview with De Luca’s ‘Libero’? He will have given more material to Crozza by next Friday. As a government we are ready to send military and civilian personnel to lend a hand and I hope that the Campania Region will accept them. The former political leader of the M5S speaks of “shocking scenes” lived in his region in recent days, but then he reaches out in some way: “I want to send a message of peace to De Luca, not war. We work together for the region for the country and the health of Italians ». And the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, announces a new call for” 450 volunteer specialized doctors, who will be assigned to the Campania region for the management of Covid-19 cases ” The mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, is concerned: “We are not sitting under a volcano, but above. The city is a powder keg and I am afraid that Rome does not know it.”

Meanwhile, Governor Alberto Cirio warns that he has received a phone call from the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who “wanted to express his closeness and gratitude to our Piedmont for the enormous effort.” The Head of State – Cirio reports – “also recalled the importance of the sense of responsibility of each one of us.” And another message on behalf of the unit bears the signature of Minister Boccia: “We will win this war against Covid if we fight together, without controversy but, with loyal collaboration, all rowing in the same direction.” Then there are those like Giovanni Toti who push Ligurians to a common commitment “to give us a Merry Christmas.” “My goal – he explains – is to see the spread of the virus fall in the next ten days, to see the RT below 1”. With these numbers, he goes straight to the point: “I will immediately ask the Government to remove Liguria from the orange zone. My goal is to do it from the first days of December, or maybe even earlier. Forward with courage. And in Friuli Venezia Giulia, after President Massimiliano Fedriga reiterated the need for “loyal institutional collaboration”, the debate continues: M5S and Pd attack the League. The usual political controversy, while the only real enemy is called Covid-19.
