relief for hiring women –


About 40 billion. At the time. Resources for work and health, for companies and families, for women and young people. Which could increase at the end of the year, also thanks to the new budgetary variation expected in the coming days due to the Covid emergency. a highway that the government travels on On Monday it will meet in the Council of Ministers Definitively approve the economic maneuver that must begin its parliamentary process as soon as possible to ensure that the Chambers lto be translated into law before December 31, 2020. A path that runs parallel to that of the Ristori ter decree (in the Senate), which will necessarily require a new budgetary variation. The Government approves on Monday the text already approved on October 18, unless otherwise agreed, but in the meantime it has been enriched with new measures.

Health and business

More than 200 pages and 248 articles for a defined hybrid maneuver,

because it combines interventions related to the Covid emergency with measures that lay the foundations for the launch in 2021 of the Next Generation Europe plan. A text that has caused more than a few frictions in the majority but that should now be the final one. So here it is on the one hand interventions for health with 400 million euros for vaccines and anticovido drugs, 537.6 million (in the period 2021-2025) to hire doctors, 335 million for the increase in nurses, 70 million for quick swabs to be entrusted to general practitioners. Five billion goes to refinance Cig Covid and for companies they expand measures such as the Italian guarantee loan and the SME fund, non-refundable contributions and de-contributions for those who invest in the South or hire young people under 35 years of age. The Nuova Sabatini is refinanced and another 4,000 million euros are allocated to the activities most affected by the pandemic. But there is also Transformation 4.0, that is, the tax credit for companies that invest in new capital goods.

Work and relief for the hiring of women

Then there is the whole chapter of work, the one in which the hearts of the majority have warmed the most. In the latest version of the text arrive 500 million euros for active employment policies, as the Democratic Party has repeatedly requested: a first step to launch a more comprehensive reform that will also question the income system of the citizenry. For now, the investment serves to reform the relocation allowance. Important news for the work of women also arrives with the entry into the 100 percent relief maneuver for those who hire a woman and more funds to support female entrepreneurship, as the Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo wished. The cessation of layoffs has been confirmed until March 31, 2021, as the unions strongly request, but also the possibility of hiring on a fixed term (again until March 31, but the Democratic Party aims to extend the possibility to all of 2021) without the expected reasons. by the decree of dignity. And on Monday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will meet with the unions that will ask for the extension of Naspi and Discoll and the renewal of expired contracts.

Single-family allowance and confirmed bonuses

For the family, the 3,000 million euros of the one-time allowance for children (from July 2021) and all the bonuses, from mobility (100 million euros) to bonuses for green areas, furniture and facades. On the other hand, the discussion continues for the renewal of the 100% ecological super voucher The 25% special tax on electronic cigarettes scheduled for January 1, 2021 has been skipped, the cashback for digital payments is confirmed, which will begin in December and will hit the accounts in February, but will be tax free. Among the novelties, there are extra measures such as 378 contracts for ENAC and 10 million for the transformation of the Istituto Luce Cinecitt into Spa.

Rai’s license fee

And the news also worries Rai with 5% of the license fee, withdrawn from state television since 2015, which returns to the company’s coffers. While local stations may benefit from a fund of 110 million euros. The technical report explains that as of 2016, with the introduction of the tariff in the energy bill, the income paid as a television subscription fee has experienced a significant increase. The general level of income mentioned above can now be considered stabilized at just under 2 billion euros per year.
