
While Campania, almost all of Campania, is inside the Covid red zone house taken today at midnight, someone pretends not to understand. Piazza Mercato, the heart of the old center of Naples: football match as if nothing, today at 12. The controls? Needless to say, there is no one to stop them. Even the players also have a small audience (in the photo they are seen to the right). It is unusual enough for a public square to be illegally occupied by a soccer field. complete with doors and even paint marks on the floor. All under the “gaze of the video surveillance community that has numerous cameras in that area.”
It is just one of the cases that will surely occur in these days of ‘soft’ lockdown organized by the Ministry of Health in Campania given the increasing infections. Scenes from yesterday from yesterday’s last year with Chiaia’s bars taken by storm, Piazza Dei Martiri full of people defying all the rules against meetings (which still apply regardless of the red zone) and queues at Japanese restaurants and sushi bars for the last crammed of the formula All you can eat before closing (food is allowed at home)

At least this morning the streets of the old center and the “good hall” of Naples seemed totally different from those of recent days, also thanks to the arrival of the wave of bad weather with the rain that has hit Campania since yesterday. The Paseo de Caracciolo is deserted, the same happens with Piazza del Plebiscito, Piazza Municipio and Via Toledo. In via Chiaia you can see the first “checkpoint” of the Italian army, but the army does not arrest anyone: they cannot according to the rules of engagement, unless otherwise decided.

In Piazza Dante, the farmers market is open regularly: according to the provisions of the Dpcm, markets selling basic necessities are in fact possible and Coldiretti’s zero km stalls are of this type: fruits, vegetables, meats , cheeses, oil, wine and so on.

In Pozzuoli, a town in the Campi Flegrei that borders Naples, the mayor Vincenzo Figliolia has signed an order that extends until November 30 the closure to the public of the promenade, the pedestrian section that surrounds Lake Averno, the pier and the Lucrino village adjacent to the municipal swimming pool, as well as that of the city parks . In Naples, Luigi De Magistris did not intend to sign any ordinance of a more restrictive kind.
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